Example sentences of "[adj] as might [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 IBM will , of course , supply OS/2 with its machines , but its market share has fallen rapidly with the advent of low-cost clones , so the number of users out there may not be as high as might have been the case a few years ago .
2 It would appear then that not everything in the garden is quite as rosy as might have been suspected .
3 There was some land reform , redistributing large white estates among these black smallholders — though not by any means as much as might have been expected .
4 A possible explanation for this apparently delayed effect of the Black Death is that the first onset , despite its virulence , did not harm the economy as a whole as much as might have been expected , and that it was the continuing effect of later outbreaks which did the greater damage .
5 One of the reasons why there has been nothing outstanding about the rate of growth of trade within the EEC and between the EEC and third countries may have been because its members have not been as assiduous as might have been expected ( by the British at least ) in removing barriers to trade between themselves and with the rest of the world .
6 In some schools , the library committee did not meet as frequently as it might have ; nor was it always as open and participatory as might have been hoped , and in at least one school the committee was subverted and eventually dissolved by senior staff .
7 At which the manifestations of blacks and Asians from the floor were as downright as might have been expected .
8 Hence , ‘ the relationship between the size of the employing unit and the number of young people recruited each year was not as close as might have been expected ’ ( ibid. , p. 47 ) .
9 The effects on public expenditure have not been as drastic as might have been expected .
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