Example sentences of "[adj] as it is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Cool , thick , old oceanic lithosphere is gravitationally unstable as it is generally denser than the asthenosphere over which it lies .
2 Unemployment is rising in every European country except Spain , where it is nearly twice as high as it is here , and in every European Free Trade Association country , and in every G7 country it is higher than it was a year ago .
3 As with all COBUILD materials , the emphasis is on English as it is really used today , drawing on the evidence of the COBUILD corpus devised by Professor John Sinclair 's English Language Research team in the University 's School of English .
4 If it does n't low income workers will be stuck in low option plans , high income workers will opt out to fee for service schemes , and ‘ quality ’ health care will be as elusive as it is now .
5 Life then was much as it is now .
6 Where the home environment seems to be unsupportive in as much as it is highly arousing , strategies to increase the social distance in key relationships , or to modify their ways of interacting , would be helpful .
7 When it 's as warm as it is tonight , you 'll be able to leave the hatch open and imagine yourselves in the heart of Venice . "
8 There were very few major countries I did n't visit during that time and travel was nothing like as easy as it is now .
9 Of all Edward 's legislation , three pieces particularly affected the church : the statutes De Viris Religiosis , or Mortmain as it is commonly called , Circumspecte Agatis , and Westminster II , chapter 41 .
10 Cortot 's Barcarolle ( his only recording of one of Chopin 's greatest masterpieces ) was once described by a French critic as ‘ un rituel erotic-passionel ’ and it is indeed as insinuating as it is blisteringly intense , even though the hectic rush through the final pages shows him at his least eloquent .
11 The fact that D'Oyly 's aristocratic informant said that the washermen should be paid for their service with money ( ridi ) may simply reflect the greater social distance which separated the aristocrats from the Hena , or it could be that , at that date , the distinction between commercial and non-commercial economic transactions had not yet become so clear-cut as it is today .
12 In a field landing it often happens that on the final approach or even during the hold off you realise that the first part of the field is not as smooth as it is further along .
13 But was redcurrant jam the same colour in Normandy in 1853 as it is now ?
14 It does nothing whatsoever for the music and provides a distraction as unwelcome as it is contextually inappropriate .
15 There have been occasions over the past 30 years when the attendance in this House for my speeches has not been quite as large as it is today .
16 Although there are no immediate plans to launch the system on the domestic vacuum cleaner market , I believe it would be welcome as it is environmentally better than standard chemical sprays .
17 The label is awkward as it is also used loosely of anything inspiring a sense of inexplicable awe and mystery , however vaguely , or anyone thus moved .
18 ‘ Internationally , ’ the Jerusalem Post noted , ‘ Israel suddenly finds itself in a glare of warm light as excruciatingly awkward as it is refreshingly flattering — a position of strength based almost entirely on passivity .
19 I suspect , indeed , that the whole process of evolution , from remote resemblance to near perfect mimicry , has gone on , rather rapidly , many times over in different insect groups , during the whole long period that bird vision has been just about as good as it is today .
20 Well , it , it , it looked very similar , not quite as good as it is now but er , it was n't no where near as wide of course .
21 Is the bark naturally as black as it is now , or has the dirt from the air soiled it ?
22 So the English village is neither as immemorial nor as unchanging as it is conventionally believed to be .
23 There 's nothing , it seems , that ca n't be turned into a salad as long as it is properly dressed .
24 Moreover , so successful were the numerous methods for delaying marriage ( the mean age of which , by the early twentieth century was higher than at any other time in British history , 27 for men and 25 for women ) , that for the typical Edwardian the gap between leaving school and the full independence of marriage was twice as long as it is today .
25 Obviously in many cases the car is a ‘ family car ’ and as long as it is generally used for the benefit of the disabled person it can be treated as any normal family car .
26 Marling has yet to encounter such conditions and trainer Geoff Wragg warned : ‘ I will have to play it by ear but as long as it is only soft we should be all right .
27 However , the guard can be loosened and repositioned for particularly awkward jobs , as long as it is fully retightened .
28 This flexibility is very important as it is only by changing mode in the middle of a session that a user can vary an earlier trail to explore the text in a new manner .
29 In accounts that were given of first meetings we find that the situation is often important as it is usually mentioned .
30 I said and there 's there 's me panicking like I said I said I 'm going grey as it is now I said without worrying about
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