Example sentences of "[adj] as she do [not/n't] " in BNC.

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1 That 's all right , as long as she does n't wake me too early !
2 As long as she does n't do that on the chair .
3 As long as she does n't sweep us away !
4 As long as she does n't bloody ring us to say oh Susan 's just rung .
5 But as long as she do n't forget Ga cos I wo n't see her , well we 'll see her on the Saturday but it well I suppose that 'll that wo n't make much difference will it ?
6 As late as 1913 , the anti-feminist surgeon , Sir Almroth Wright , continued to applaud what was undoubtedly an extreme form of the traditional patriarchal marriage , whereby the husband promised to do his wife reverence , to protect and to serve her as long as she did not jettison personal refinement , act in an ungrateful manner or put an extravagantly high estimate on her intellectual powers .
7 And perhaps , she decided , being realistic , as long as she did not let things go too far it would do her no harm to stop trying to resist them and simply go with the flow of her feelings for a while .
8 It did n't really hurt as long as she did n't get his face .
9 He did n't care as long as she did n't get caught and ask him to pay the fine .
10 He thought he 'd like to see her again as long as she did n't whinge too much about sexism .
11 As long as she did n't get too serious it was all right .
12 As long as she did n't drink .
13 What she meant , she told herself , was that no living creature would choose to be a pet , and nothing would opt for imprisonment , and when she went home she 'd feel trapped and , if she did n't know it was happening , she 'd rather be shot — as long as she did n't see the bullet coming .
14 Of course she was safe as long as she did n't weaken .
15 ‘ We took her back to her Cheshire boarding school earlier this week after the half-term break but she was heartbroken as she did not know what had happened to the dog .
16 Her mother was upset as she did n't approve of Gerry .
17 ‘ Though I do n't know how I 'll do that as she does n't have a telephone . ’
18 She thought I was just being silly as she does n't believe the rumours .
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