Example sentences of "[adj] had a good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was no defence that the accused had a good motive , namely to stop the car obstructing him .
2 The other campers were good company and we all had a good laugh .
3 In between my husband muttering ‘ I do n't believe this ! ’ , we all had a good laugh and enjoyed the challenge .
4 We all had a good laugh about this because there was no longer this pressure on me .
5 We all had a good laugh about it , but it was not so funny if you happened to be Keith Fletcher .
6 So we all had a good laugh at the sparks and all of us unzipped our flies and peed in the river whether we wanted to or not .
7 My family and friends all had a good laugh at my expense .
8 He had after all had a good conference .
9 Pippa and , and Mark and his mother Sarah came to support , and we all had a good party .
10 ‘ We all had a good view of you , yesterday , ’ said Ron , ‘ but not as good as it could be . ’
11 the boys says they all had a good time … one fell into the water but he thought it was excellent fun …
12 We all had a good cry and presents and kisses flew around like so many midges .
13 Then we both had a good cry together , and felt a lot better after a good strong cup of tea .
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