Example sentences of "[adj] as [pron] be [coord] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm not riding as well as I was and I 'm not as brave as I was and I have to face facts
2 3 My brother is three times as old as I am and our age difference is 16 .
3 Presentation techniques , a few things here that might help you in terms of making it interesting as it were and the actual delivery of your training your posture , keep your posture erect , but relaxed I do n't really know what that means but er er stand up .
4 I think that Sussex in a way perhaps is n't quite as identifiable as it was and I think this does n't necessarily cause by any particular circumstance or group of individuals or individual or whatever .
5 I mean I did n't take a lot with me , I mean I took too much as it was and my arm carrying it across the Underground .
6 Mr you 'll spoi you 'll spoil us when I saw this tonight I thought we I got ta say something because Martin is coming up with the er same motion as it was last time , it was not much different so probably with the same reply 's got ta be made and that is that the Labour party is not the caring party , everyone here , I 'm sure the Liberals as well as the Conservatives care we are a caring party as much as you are and we are concerned , we are concerned about , we are concerned about
7 I 'm sixty-one as it is and , truth told , I could n't work for one of them . ’
8 She had a kind thought and she believed she 'd carried it through , and that 's not uncommon , with someone as sick as she was and in pain a lot of the time .
9 Things were pretty tense as it was and all her own tension had come flooding back , especially when she thought of her reaction to Felipe .
10 I mean are you learning these as they are or I mean
11 Some of the items are fine as they are but are not given unconditional approval because they should only be eaten in moderation .
12 He did n't even notice the tannoy , he was already as tired as I was and he could barely stand ; I had to keep waking him up as he was swaying .
13 All the other lecturers were at least as married as he was and he , at any rate , had all his hair .
14 ‘ I 'm sure they 're as good as we are but , they 're them and we 're us .
15 But it would n't have been so funny if the robbers were n't as stupid as they were and the film would n't have been so good .
16 In any case , for as long as they remain as powerful as they are and until the country is ready for a proper comprehensive system the grammar school should be preserved : ‘ It would , moreover , be absurd from a socialist point of view to close down the grammar school , while leaving the public schools still holding their present commanding position .
17 She is almost as fat as he is and it will do them both good .
18 Sir Leslie has in effect concluded that our mistress , the Common Law of England , is no longer as vigorous as she was and is incapable of any kind of rejuvenation .
19 Everyone — whether self-employed or working for an employer — has the choice of continuing as they are or of switching instead to a personal pension .
20 It seems that on the basis of Canto 7 we can explain Pound 's hostility to Virgil very simply indeed : it was precisely Virgil 's melancholy , the lacrimae rerum which endears him to so many , that Pound could not stomach , so sanguine as he was and so determined to remain so .
21 She went as pale as he was and clenched her fists .
22 Though neither of them mentioned it , she was obviously feeling much the same as he was and he was overcome by a longing to rush to her side , hold her , comfort her , whisper that everything would be fine .
23 I realised that they were all as shit-scared as I was and were content to stay where they were .
24 I know she 's disappointed as you are but may I coming in her place thank Nicholas Hinton and his colleagues for having me at the Barbican at this important annual public meeting .
25 For the second time in her life , she says , he had appeared out of the blue as it were and too charge .
26 Not as young as I was nor as tough , either .
27 I said it looks nice as it is and I do n't know if he will or not , I forgot to ask him on the phone .
28 They were as shy as I was and the effort they made to be friendly was the most heartening thing I had experienced since I had been taken prisoner .
29 We have very little as it is and this plan will just wipe it out .
30 And which is natural because you know , the very early motor cars were only a sort of toy for the rich as it were and er when it came to you see er grocer 's vans or , or er laundry vans made out of old pr private cars .
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