Example sentences of "[adj] from [noun sg] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Analysts will then be able to access this from desktop workstations in London , Edinburgh and Hong Kong .
2 Investment trusts are similar to unit trusts in that they allow persons and companies to obtain a share in a diversified portfolio of assets and have a specialist fund manager to control the portfolio , but are fundamentally different from unit trusts in other ways .
3 Worse , his thoughts on the matter hint at a general approach that sounds not much different from government attitudes in the bad old past .
4 They go about this work , however , in a way somewhat different from computer firms in other nations .
5 Range West , military spokesmen claim , ‘ is quite different from Range East in this respect .
6 Conventional serial file procedures are little different from file procedures for cassette based computers .
7 This is one reason why hearing impairment in childhood is totally different from hearing loss in adult life .
8 In one sense , therefore , this is a highly patterned behaviour ( quite different from velocity fluctuations in a turbulent flow , Fig. 2.6 ) .
9 It appears from Jean Piaget 's child psychology that perception has been inseparable from simulation right from the start , and that instead of learning to project my inwardness on to other persons I had to unlearn the habit of projecting it on to the rising sun or a bouncing ball .
10 Because these changes were worldwide , Europe 's history is inseparable from world history between 1880 and 1945 .
11 If , as was clear from press coverage of the recent retrospective at the Hayward , the art critical establishment is still sniffily disparaging of Magritte 's achievement , this can at least partly be attributed to the disturbing facility with which his images have been appropriated by advertisers and recycled as mere media commonplaces .
12 These teams ( and the Central Nottinghamshire team ) were line managed direct from County Hall by the SPOs , who had a broad managerial remit for all social services field services for people with learning difficulties .
13 DNA fragments containing human NF-L gene were isolated free from vector sequences by preparative agarose gel electrophoresis and injected into pronuclei of fertilized oocytes from ( CBA C57BL/10 ) F1 mice at a concentration of 1-2 µg/ml of TE buffer ( 10mM Tris ( pH7.5 ) , 0.2mM EDTA ) .
14 Each turkey , fresh from the taxidermist , has been tarted up in one sort of drag or another from Parlour maid to Kabuki actor and , who knows ? maybe even Uncle Sam .
15 Just as many Zuwaya resented or rejected the state while they took salaries or subsidies from the government , so they held their hostile attitude to police forces distinct from kinship connections with policemen ( though they were pleased when they had none ) .
16 For Miss Green her new area was to be along a ‘ corridor ’ accessible from railway stations on the Kettering , Huntingdon , Peterborough line , in ‘ … a poor county , thinly populated , neglected by all organisations other than Women 's Institutes … ’ .
17 A view of Central from platform level in the early 50's as a class N5 draws to a stand by the signal box .
18 This is usually impossible from surface examination of the object .
19 They also called for pension assets to be kept separate from company funds in the wake of the Daily Mirror scandal when Maxwell stole Pounds 400 million from his pensioners .
20 Library lessons taught library layout , the Dewey Decimal Classification , the index , and the contents page in ways which were not dissimilar from library lessons of 20 years ago , and it is interesting to note that absolute silence is the requirement at all times .
21 A scholarship , exhibition etc held by a person receiving full-time instruction at a university , college , school or other educational establishment is exempt from income tax under s 331 , TA 1988 .
22 This would have been exempt from income tax under s188 and could have been used by the director to repay his loan .
23 As well as being able to make chargeable transfers and exempt transfers , under IHTA 1984 , s3(3A) a taxpayer may also make a potentially exempt transfer which is broadly a transfer which is assumed to be exempt from inheritance tax at the time of the gift but which may ultimately end up being a chargeable transfer because the donor does not survive the making of the gift by seven years .
24 The intra-group transfer should be possible to achieve on a no gain/no loss basis for capital gains tax purposes under s171 TCGA 1992 ; it should be exempt from stamp duty under s42 Finance Act 1930 ( as amended ) provided transferor and transferee companies are " associated " within the meaning of Finance Act 1967 when the asset is transferred ; and outside the scope of VAT under section 29 VAT Act 1983 where the transferor and transferee companies are members of a VAT group .
25 Corporate bonds , the assignment of which is exempt from stamp duty under s79 Finance Act 1986 , need not be included in this mechanism .
26 Homes which meet the new standards will be exempt from stamp duty on house purchase .
27 This was to be achieved on a graduated scale , with 15 per cent of the total being exempt from import tariffs by the start of the agreement on Jan. 1 , 1993 , 50 per cent by 1994 , 75 per cent by 1995 and 100 per cent by 1996 .
28 Spain , Greece , Ireland and Portugal remain exempt from carbon reductions on the grounds that they are still developing countries .
29 The belief that the liberal East Coast intelligentsia is ruining the country is rife across the country and will be affecting cultural policies at their broadest from city hall to the White House before and after the election .
30 The Marchioness of Blandford is still seriously ill from head injuries after a hunting accident at the weekend .
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