Example sentences of "[adj] who [be] at the " in BNC.

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1 I would like to hear anybodies views on this who was at the match .
2 The very small proportion of shoppers who would therefore use such a booklet seem to us unlikely to include many who are at the moment most ignorant about credit and its cost , and therefore most need the information in it .
3 This is as true for those who , like those in FYT 's full-time staff team , serve God 's servants , as it is for those who are at the sharpest end .
4 Whilst the law is designed to give succour in times of difficulty to those who do their best , it will show little mercy to those who are at the receiving end of proceedings who can not demonstrate that they have given the highest priority .
5 There is , even with a relatively sophisticated system of cross-phase planning , the difficulty that the children who are directly affected are those who are at the top of the primary school and at the youngest end of the secondary age range .
6 If the Government accepts and consults with those who are at the litigation coal face it could create truly radical and effective changes . ’
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