Example sentences of "[adj] would [be] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , one of our London based members , The Hon would , I am sure , be willing to come and discuss our work with you if this would be of value ?
2 None of this would be worth remark if the narrative carried us along by virtue of its own strength , but it hardly does .
3 This would be in contrast to the increased blood flow normally associated with an inflammatory response , as has been observed in ulcerative proctitis .
4 This would be in accordance with the " acquisition hierarchy " observed by Edwards , assuming that the acquisition is of a second dialect rather than a new language altogether .
5 This would be in competition with the European Option Exchange and the Matif Futures Exchange in France .
6 This would be in tune with the general desire of the council officials that we as researchers should not set about asking direct questions about incomer and Shetlander relations .
7 This would be in addition to the plans to house the long-stay patients in new buildings on the periphery of the hospital site .
8 ( This would be in sequence with another simple process for managing the final values of unc Note that no unc can start up until unc has terminated : it is this that makes the transformation so general , but it also makes the resulting parallel program useless as it stands .
9 KPMG reserve the right to publish at its own expense and subject to your prior approval a tombstone recording the completed transaction unless you inform us that this would be in breach of specific confidentiality undertakings exchanged between the parties .
10 KPMG reserve the right to publish at its own expense and subject to your prior approval a tombstone recording the completed transaction unless you inform us that this would be in breach of specific confidentiality undertakings exchanged between the parties .
11 KPMG reserve the right to publish at its own expense and subject to your prior approval a tombstone recording the completed transaction unless you inform us that this would be in breach of specific confidentiality undertakings exchanged between the parties .
12 KPMG reserve the right to publish at its own expense and subject to your prior approval a tombstone recording the completed transaction unless you inform us that this would be in breach of specific confidentiality undertakings exchanged between the parties .
13 KPMG reserve the right to publish at its own expense and subject to your prior approval a tombstone recording on the completed transaction unless you inform us that this would be in breach of specific confidentiality undertakings exchanged between the parties .
14 KPMG reserve the right to publish at its own expense and subject to your prior approval a tombstone recording the completed transaction unless you inform us that this would be in breach of specific confidentiality undertakings exchanged between the parties .
15 Harold Wilson obviously had something on his mind and he told us that if we watched the television news we would hear something that he was sure would be of interest to us .
16 The main difference between the ‘ Oracles ’ and the Created God is that the former were believed to be of ‘ divine ’ origin , whereas the latter would be of mankind 's own creation , and therefore under human control .
17 Half of those would be on leave for a quickly arranged replay and I estimate the cost would be in the region of £30,000 . ’
18 These estimates also suggest that $9 billion of the remaining $13.5 billion was owed to the banks by enterprises , which would leave the banks with net foreign exchange liabilities of $14 billion ( of which $4.5 billion would be in respect of liabilities other than foreign exchange deposits ) .
19 For those , usually relatives , who are involved in this lengthy period , and who are often concerned and loving , and for the old person themselves , more general help and advice on some of the problems associated with growing more frail would be of value in easing the transition and preventing precipitate actions ( such as selling the house ) , which will afterwards be regretted .
20 And clearly that would be of benefit er to Road in terms of relieving the pressure from that traffic .
21 He had done more , too , that would be of significance in the future .
22 that would be of interest , sort of allow them not only to be interested but would , would show them a variety of graphic design based on similar ideas .
23 Well you could put interviewing skills , that would be for employment officers would n't it then ?
24 So that would be for example poster sites and that for example would be er point of sale .
25 well maybe that would be to English
26 and she seemed fairly confident about her questionnaire in developing the right question in questionnaire , but I suppose that would be in conjunction with people like you
27 That would be in excess of £50 billion today .
28 And if that went — as , later , it threatened to do — then his access to that gift , that way with speaking , with ‘ being ’ another person and totally convincing an audience — that would be in danger .
29 That would be within range .
30 La Tribune speculates that an agreement between the two would be for production and to share the cost of development , which continues to mushroom .
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