Example sentences of "[adj] if [pron] come [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They can seem quite dangerous if they come from the sky and land on someone 's head .
2 Rewards are often only valued if they come from other people , but in fact they can be much nicer and more appropriate if they come from you .
3 ‘ I 'm sorry , ’ said David , ‘ but your throat condition means you could become seriously ill if you came into contact with the wrong sort of germs .
4 I 'll be lucky if I come through this with my balls still attached . ’
5 St Lucians get very affronted if you come to Soufrière without seeing their famous sulphur springs ! ’
6 It 's within the congregation , Paulo was writing , not to those outside but to those dedicated baptized brothers and sisters in the trees , said you know the season that it is already the hour for you to awake so he was speaking to spiritual people , spiritually minded people and yet here he is telling them to be awake , awake from sleep or slumbers , for now our salvation is nearer than at the time when we became the leavers , and that 's true with us all if you came into the truth yesterday , the time that much nearer now is n't it ?
7 Jehan was confident that he could beat Sidacai if it came to a fight .
8 Er but as far as I 'm concerned if it comes in in week four , that 's fair enough , but things after that then they start to get a bit upset
9 As far as I 'm concerned if I come into the studio and everyone 's smiling , hey , that 's great .
10 Perhaps as a child Joyce simply knew that she did not like birds and felt uneasy if one came near her .
11 ‘ I think back to people like Allan Clarke , who were annoyed if they came off the pitch without scoring a goal .
12 ‘ No , ’ Nicole said quickly , ‘ I mean , is more convenient if you come to the hotel .
13 It 's alright if it comes to you in a ca in a , in a , as a , as a meal
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