Example sentences of "[adj] if [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 NOTE Because ears are so sensitive , it is very painful if you shout in the ear of someone whose aid is switched on .
2 Well , things are different if you live in the Gorgie-Dalry area of Edinburgh — or at least , they were until recently .
3 ‘ Oh God , that 's just what she 's afraid of — she 's afraid if I got in your car we might go somewhere and park , for God 's sake . ’
4 It follows , then , that an extensive knowledge of reproduction printing , make up and materials is all-important if you work in production and progress .
5 If the donor dies more than seven years after the gift , there 's no duty at all payable If he dies in the seventh year the whole duty is reduced by 60 per cent , if in the sixth by 30 per cent , and in the fifth 15 per cent . ’
6 But do n't you feel uncomfortable , you as a member of the medical profession , do n't you feel uncomfortable if there exists in the wider world a set of rules which would condemn as one of the most heinous crimes that which you regard as the most humane of conduct ?
7 Venville tenants paid a certain , very small , fixed rent to the king or duchy , and were allowed free pasture on the commons and forest by day , but had to pay extra if they remained in the forest by night .
8 Seat reservations cost no extra if you book in advance .
9 Use the soft hyphen in words which would not be hyphenated if they fell in the middle of a line .
10 Before I left Fontanellato my father had told me that although he was not against my trying to see Mussolini he would be very upset if I indulged in any kind of cheering or applause .
11 It seems to me much better and less confusing if you admit in print that you were wrong .
12 And that was fairly literal if you think in terms of the village blacksmith making a sword .
13 She said , ‘ I 'm sorry if I got in the way just now , when you wanted to talk about the vineyard . ’
14 Sorry if it ends in nought .
15 That if you work in the big city you might only have seven miles between calls but it still takes you three quarters of an hour .
16 ‘ I 'd like to , ’ said Zach , ' but I never go to church so it 'd be a bit strange if I sing in it , wo n't it , me not even being a Christian . ‘
17 The accused is dishonest if he acts in a way which he knows ordinary people would regard as dishonest .
18 Even soldiers acting under orders , who were justified by every code of loyalty of the day , were commonly thought to die unhouselled and unprepared if they died in battle .
19 A further small point : we may have been taught at school to avoid ending written sentences with a preposition , but the above sentence , apart from replacing ‘ commence ’ by ‘ begin ’ , sounds more natural if we do in fact end it with the preposition .
20 It would , in a paradoxical way , be reassuring if we lived in a world of extremes .
21 Massive coverage may look good but it is a lot less valuable if it appears in media which are not seen by your ultimate target audience .
22 It was a relief therefore to make for the frozen shore where the parson was protesting that his wife would be safer and more comfortable if she remained in the carriage .
23 Hostile amendments are particularly awkward if they occur in the autumn , near the end of the parliamentary session , when the time available for further reconsideration is short .
24 Lucy was n't sure if she believed in God or not .
25 ‘ Would n't it be better if we stayed in Alnwick ? ’
26 ‘ But their chances wo n't look so good if they lose in Dublin .
27 Well I 've cooked him one , cos it 's no good if he waltzes in in half an hour and says his hungry .
28 In neither case , does the activity of a postman emerge as something which could be good if it existed in isolation .
29 Evidently Anselm judged that he could not make his excommunication of the king effective if he stayed in Lyons , and he must move nearer to the scene of action .
30 I hope you enjoyed that discussion I mean well first of all if you live in the Selby area it 's been of relevance to you and you 've managed to hear what both sides are saying but I I hope even if you do n't live in the Selby area it 's er you 've er found it as fascinating as I have to hear the pros and cons of such a complex issue .
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