Example sentences of "[adj] if [pron] [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Jim Bob says that no way would they have done this if it had been their money , and hopes that everyone got the joke .
2 I would n't have got to wear this if I 'd been a factory worker . ’
3 The thing about the Paddies is that some of them can pass as English if they 've been brought up here .
4 The demonstration should not go wrong if it has been adequately rehearsed beforehand .
5 While it may be straightforward to assess whether a lease is renewed properly or a contract accurately drafted — it will soon be clear if they have been or not — these transactions do n't carry much potential for building long-term relationships or adding value through additional services .
6 It would be equally grave if it had been a burglary charge but he was facing one of the most serious allegations you could make .
7 Clearly there needs to be some measure of self-control in these situations , but it is easier if there has been a clear and prior agreement that disputes will be handled in this way .
8 Resistance might have been easier if he had been , not that her belief that he was had been enough to stop her succumbing to him once .
9 It would all have been different if we 'd been able to have children . ’
10 Things might have been different if there had been more consultation with industry people across the board .
11 The result might have been different if there had been a notice attached to the goods making it clear that these goods had nothing to do with the defendant 's business as a dealer in second-hand goods but had come from his home and that the sale of the goods was to be a private transaction .
12 It 's different it 's , they 're damp it 's different if there 'd been a hole and the water was coming in .
13 Treaty did not of itself prevent a member state from imposing an ownership residence requirement as a condition for exemption from the compulsory acquisition of land , could not be followed in the present case for three reasons : ( a ) in the Fearon case , the owners ' residence requirement was not coupled with any nationality requirement and the court indicated in paragraph 10 of the judgment , at pp. 3685–3686 , that its decision would have been different if it had been ; ( b ) in the Fearon case , the residence requirement was limited to legal owners of the land and did not extend to peripheral persons , such as those who had lent the owners money in order to buy the land ; and ( c ) from the point of view of its geographical scope , the residence requirement at issue in the Fearon case was framed in local rather than national terms .
14 Can I just ask , would it be different if it had been a military aircraft ?
15 It could have been different if I had been accepted for the Forces , but this way I mean to make Marion my wife and I hope … well … well ’ — he jerked his head upwards — ‘ I may as well say it , that if I have a son , or for second best , a daughter , to carry on here .
16 ‘ It would have been more interesting if it had been more explicit , ’ she said .
17 ‘ To be honest if I 'd been on my own I would n't have gone ahead with it , ’ says Avril .
18 I would not have minded the motion tonight quite so much if it had been given an honest title , such as the General Election ( Clearing the Decks ) Motion , or whatever title the Leader of the House wanted to give it .
19 He would n't have minded so much if there 'd been a rise somewhere along the line — a moment of triumph , no matter how brief — but he 'd gone from children 's programmes to women 's programmes to the Devil in one slow , unspectacular but continuous slide .
20 Thorold Mackie had been told that it would be extremely serious if there had been a leak and he had replied : ‘ I hear what you 're saying , ’ it was alleged at an insider dealing trial at the High Court in Edinburgh .
21 Liverpool 's tactical and technical limitations were exposed by the newly-crowned Russian champions , and while it is easy to be wise after the event , Rosenthal could just have been the man to produce that little something out of the ordinary if he had been used from the start against Spartak .
22 It would have been very sad if it had been stopped . ’
23 This provided a richer and more varied diet and a grander life style for those in the middle and upper ranks of society than would have been possible if they had been dependent only on the products of a self-contained peasant economy .
24 Our happiness would have been complete if he had been here .
25 This movement , as Rufus had no doubt intended , sent Mary toppling forward into Adam 's arms , her breasts lightly slapping into his chest in a way that would have been blissful if it had been allowed to continue but Mary , drunk as she was , had sprung aside , actually sprung to her feet , and rather late in the day hugged her arms across her chest .
26 ‘ I 'm sorry if I 've been a bit below par this evening , ’ she apologised .
27 You move on , and thank you , and I 'm sorry if you 've been disturbed , and I 'm sorry about Demian , and I shall shed the deceptively comforting skin of this house , and all will be well , Larry , you shall see , the estate agent will save the day in the end . ’
28 Unfortunately , the list of ingredients did n't include the egg which was later needed for the mixture and we are sorry if anyone has been disappointed when trying to make the scones .
29 ‘ I suppose I could have got action like that if I 'd been a count , ’ she mused .
30 Now th that , that if you like is , is the new strategy that he 's putting to the Communist Party and he 's saying look , you should recognize this is going on , there is a , there , there is a , a growing class basis to this and we must lead it because it is the way forward .
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