Example sentences of "[adj] if [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No matter how helpful some of the tools presented seem to appear , they will prove useless and even harmful if taken up by those with eyes which are spiritually blind and whose hands lack spiritual strength .
2 Marks appear weighty and assertive if driven on to the canvas with a painting knife .
3 This would seem appropriate to the early stages of learning a foreign language , but is too restrictive if carried on to an advanced level .
4 But it would be ala I think people would be alarmed if turn out for central government dropped to forty percent .
5 It then assumes a parliamentary intention that the steps which Parliament has enjoined or authorized for saving or minimizing tax shall not be effective if they are carried out for that purpose but are only to be effective if carried out for some other ‘ legitimate ’ business purpose .
6 The government maintains that dipping is safe if carried out with the recommended protective clothing and other precautions .
7 If the cartographic and tabular data could be stored in computer-readable form , then the speed of the computer could be used to select areas with the required characteristics , derive composite maps , and perform other operations that would be impossibly time-consuming if carried out by hand .
8 Although in adults it exhibits flu like symptoms , it can be disastrous if passed on to a baby .
9 Speaking of Deano — everyone I talked felt that as we had paid £2.7 million for a centre forward would n't it be nice if hung around near the goal or in the box for that matter instead of running all over the show and when we finally get the ball in the box there 's nobody there .
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