Example sentences of "[adj] are more [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The outline above suggests that agnathans are a paraphyletic group ( that is , some are more closely related to jawed vertebrates than to other agnathans ) and therefore the presence of circular mouths and pouch-like gills was part of gnathostome history .
2 Some feelings are more easily dismissed than others , and some are more easily summoned up .
3 Some are more easily drawn into a regional class alliance than others .
4 There were significant changes in the services provided , but these are more properly discussed in Chapter 4 .
5 The principal criterion used in the identification of different social elements in soil erosion is the relations of production under which land is used ( and these are more carefully specified in Chapters 7 and 8 ) .
6 In reply to three direct questions ninety per cent report fragmentation , and seventy-five per cent monotony , but the percentage drops to fifty per cent in the case of time pressures : these are more often referred to spontaneously in the course of discussing housework tasks .
7 The latter are more slowly converted into blood sugar , mainly because of the digestive processes described in the previous chapter .
8 Seed raising is not a widely used method of increasing the majority of other pool plants , although one or two are more readily increased in this manner .
9 Other ‘ continuities ’ from 1945 to 1990 are more briefly stated .
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