Example sentences of "[adj] are more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 But there is also an indirect effect , because the young are more likely to be rich ( +0.386 ) and the rich are more likely to be prepared to break the law ( +0.068 ) .
2 And I think at the present time , all of us on the right are more concerned about getting the economy right and cutting government expenditure that carrying on with er schemes of a privatization that might or might not succeed .
3 Those with a nervous disposition and who are anxious or panicky are more likely to be sensitive to the adverse effects of caffeine .
4 We attack the vehicle , whereas the British are more concerned with the total patient care before the extrication .
5 Some are more dangerous at high water : the waves build , the holes deepen .
6 Of the five most common reasons capable of establishing the legitimacy of an authority some are more appropriate to the political context than others .
7 Some are more easy for the genealogist to pick out than the rest .
8 Though some of these reasons are currently out of fashion in discussions of political authority I believe they all have their role to play , though some are more important in some societies than in others .
9 Every believer is prone to doubt , but some are more prone to one kind and some to another .
10 Speakers 9 and 10 are more interesting in that neither of them used Creole syntactic features or any of the segmental phonological features that are characteristic of Creole , or are identifiably part of the " Patois " stereotype .
11 These are more involved in construction , slightly more complicated to assemble and will inevitably be much larger than the Hexagon or Malay .
12 Stories such as these are more regular in the USA where , according to Nathan Hare , black boxers begin with visions of wealth and glamour but complete their careers ‘ dissatisfied now with their present lot ’ .
13 THESE are more common at the lower end of the spectrum , but players are known to have received appearance fees from different sources .
14 Often we prefer our figures to come from other sources if we feel these are more likely to be unbiased .
15 Particular attention should be given to finding and identifying the larger epiphyses as these are more likely to be preserved .
16 These are less fully double and there are now six separate colours available as well as a mixture and all are more resistant to bad weather conditions than any others .
17 For the non-obese patient over 65 years who needs a sulphonylurea , a short-acting drug like tolbutamide has much to commend it as the elderly are more prone to hypoglycaemia .
18 The elderly are more prone to heart failure and chronic obstructive airways disease so that the risk of adverse effects is likely to be proportionately greater .
19 It must however , be carefully controlled because it is essential that a cover of perennial rather than annual grasses is maintained as the latter are more susceptible to drought .
20 For instance , some sites in Roman Britain have a much greater proportion of third-than of fourth-century coins compared to other sites , and it has been observed that the former tend to be the prestigious settlements of old Roman veteran colonies or tribal capitals , whereas the latter are more likely to be smaller rural sites such as farms , forts or villages .
21 Both the latter are more concerned with present action than future consequences .
22 Many of the indicators chosen are suspect , as Macnicol has shown for earlier periods , in that they simply count contact with state agencies , and it is a commonplace observation that the poor are more likely to be in contact with social workers because they are poor ( Becker , 1988 ) ; young drug-takers in inner cities are more visible than wealthy socialites but drug-taking and drinking stretch across social groups ( O'Bryan , 1989 ; Plant , 1989 ) ; desertion of women by husbands and the choice to remain unmarried are not restricted to the poor ; and so on and so on .
23 It seems me with a collar size of 17 inches or more are more likely to be heavy snorers .
24 That the former are more likely to be relatively more powerful , wealthy , and privileged than the latter could be one of nature 's accidents .
25 Miskeyings ( like " Amwerica " ) and misspellings ( " rascism " or its companion " Facism " ) — the former are more common among Okapi users — are frequent .
26 The seed itself is far superior these days with better germination , and varieties in general are more uniform in colour and height , with the shorter , self-supporting ones now becoming particularly popular .
27 But there is also an indirect effect , because the young are more likely to be rich ( +0.386 ) and the rich are more likely to be prepared to break the law ( +0.068 ) .
28 Both are more interested in the brewing side of the company .
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