Example sentences of "[adj] he be [vb pp] the " in BNC.

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1 Early in 1365 he was granted the post of master mason to Wells Cathedral , apparently through the influence of William of Wykeham [ q.v . ] .
2 In 1985 he was awarded the CBE .
3 In 1920 he was offered the Governor-Generalships , first of South Africa and then of Australia , together with a peerage .
4 His voyage was outstanding for his persistence and seamanship and in 1833 he was awarded the royal premium of the Royal Geographical Society .
5 In 1969 he was awarded the CBE for services to the theatre .
6 When he retired as Secretary-General in 1960 he was given the Padma Vibhushan , the second-highest Indian honour ; in the Lok Sabha ( India 's Lower House ) Nehru paid an extremely rare tribute to a civil servant , saying that Pillai 's departure created ‘ a certain blank ’ .
7 In 1952 he was awarded the OBE.
8 In 1913 he was offered the post of imperial meteorologist in India .
9 In 1962 he was awarded the OBE , and in 1971 Gallaudet College , Washington , which had previously conferred on him an Honourary Doctorate , gave him an Edward Miner Gallaudet Award , citing that : His persistent courageous , often lonely insistence in his land upon adapting educational practice with deaf children to individual characteristics preserved hope for the masses of deaf children throughout the world who were faced with the bleakness of no alternatives …
10 The modest honours he received were mainly from natural history societies , but in 1873 he was awarded the honorary degree of MA by Yale University , in 1902 the Victoria medal of honour by the Royal Horticultural Society , and in 1903 the gold medal of the Linnean Society .
11 When the landlord refused to renew his lease , Walton moved to Bentonville , Arkansas , where in 1950 he was granted the franchise of the Ben Franklin chain .
12 In 1847 he was awarded the Legion of Honour by Louis Philippe for his services to France .
13 for the past ten he 's dominated the world of barefoot … this weekend … he skies in the British national Championships which are being held at the Cirencester Club in the Cotswold water park …
14 Douglas French is so concerned he 's raised the matter in parliament .
15 In 1978 he was awarded the MBE for his services to astronomy .
16 After returning to Bombay early in 1858 he was appointed the East India Company 's agent in Zanzibar and British consul , the previous consul having died at his post thirteen months previously .
17 In 1800 he was given the Resolution ( 74 guns ) and in 1803 he was captain of the Zealand , the flagship of Sir James ( later first Baron ) de Saumarez [ q.v . ] .
18 I think Wilko 's preference for Deano is n't unfounded , given that he 's rattled the post often enough despite not scoring .
19 In 1982 he was given the ceremonial post of vice-president .
20 In March 1617 he was granted the profit on the extra import duty levied on the goods of foreign merchants entering the country ( a kind of revenue farm ) , in place of Lionel Cranfield ( later Earl of Middlesex , q.v. ) , who was moving on to higher things .
21 In 1936 he was awarded the James Watt medal of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers for his outstanding contributions to the advance of mechanical engineering .
22 In 1931 he was awarded the Moulton medal of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and in 1954 became a vice-president of the Institution .
23 In 1968 he was awarded the James Spence medal of the British Paediatric Association .
24 In 1905 he was made the first patriarch templar .
25 In 1640 he was given the minor office of master of the Posts , but did not retain it beyond 1641 , at the end of which year he suffered a short spell of prison for alleged defiance of a parliamentary order .
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