Example sentences of "[adj] he [modal v] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 Had Kant believed this he would have been quick to point it out ; but he does not .
2 If X had put the £100,000 on deposit , then he would have received £10,000 , and out of this he would have been left with £6,000 after tax .
3 But if Mr Menzies had thought of this he must have been keeping it for another Sunday .
4 Had he been English he might have been described as a typical eccentric .
5 Do you not agree that if God ever did say Let there be light he must have been over Norfolk at the time ? ’
6 If ever afterwards Creggan had been asked at what moment on that journey north he knew he was free he would have been able to answer precisely .
7 It is sad in several ways , not just because it springs from genuine human grief but because poor Uncle Ted , no matter how theologically illiterate he may have been , deserves better .
8 To Constance 's English eyes , his skin was so brown he might have been an Indian .
9 Even apart from his experience , his descent admirably equipped him for kingship : son of the impetuous , vacillating and prodigal Henry III he may have been , but he showed more affinity with his grandfather and great-grandfather , King John and Henry II .
10 The " heresy " was that " if a person engaged to act for a client ought to act fairly and impartially towards the person with whom his client is dealing , then he is immune from being sued by his clienthowever negligent he may have been " .
11 And Rosenberg : ‘ Utterly misguided he may have been , but he was honest in his own belief in what he was doing . ’
12 I put his age at forty , but even among men twenty years younger he would have been accounted handsome , and he knew it , for his expression showed both confidence and amusement as he continued to hold Ellen 's hand , and he showed even more amusement when she suddenly realised just what liberty she was thus granting him and jerked her fingers swiftly away .
13 The worst he could do was take her back to Brides Haven .
14 ‘ I 'm sure he 'll have been provided for , ’ Dora had said in disapproval .
15 ‘ It is 30 years since my father 's first victory here and I am sure he would have been the first to have congratulated Ayrton on breaking his record of five wins .
16 He felt sure he 'd have been told of it at literary do 's if she was really ill .
17 Trevor was so tired he must have been sleeping , because all sports reporters and TV rightly said Ards deserved a better result .
18 ‘ I longed for him to say ‘ Do n't do this ’ but all he would say was ‘ Wonderful ’ .
19 All he would say was that the paper would be completely new , but would hark back to the great days of the Mirror .
20 And all he would say was that he had been delayed .
21 All he would say was , ‘ they 've paid their money , so they 're entitled to their opinions ’ .
22 All he would have been aware of was the ball and the net . ’
23 All he 'll get is praise .
24 If ever he used to take us for a spare lesson , all he used to do was draw on the blackboard the scrum lineouts and things .
25 if it is considered that the information content is of paramount importance then it is valid to so construct a resource centre that every student may spend most of his time wired up to a dial-access system so that all he need do is dial a number , press a button and then sit passively absorbing what he sees on a screen and hears in his headphones …
26 All he need do is state his opinion clearly .
27 Like Forster , all he could guess was that it was fast .
28 But all he could manage was , ‘ Was this the only action open to you ? ’
29 A conqueror 's laugh should have accompanied his following line of ‘ Brave boy ’ , but all he could manage was a smile .
30 She brought her husband to help but all he could offer was a shrug which was no comfort at all .
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