Example sentences of "[adj] with [art] [n mass] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And though they are popular with the people of Czechoslovakia they 're little known outside the country .
2 He said they were consistent with a series of heavy blows by heavy objects and kicks .
3 It is also consistent with the data on transits of Mercury that Parkinson 's team used as evidence for the constancy of the solar radius ; according to their data any change has to be smaller than 0.15 seconds of arc per century .
4 These findings are consistent with the data of Simmonds et al although they used myeloperoxidase staining rather than measurement of myeloperoxidase activity , and the concentration of azide they used was 10-fold higher than concentrations that are believed to be specific for myeloperoxidase inhibition and thus may have been somewhat non-selective .
5 Other pranks included a chair which , when sat upon , pinned down the unwary with a pair of mechanical arms : another was a slipper placed upon the floor which , when kicked , caused a weird and ghostly apparition to arise .
6 In the park Curzon replaced the formal rides , canals , and ponds of the 1720s with a series of lakes and a softening of the landscape , for which Adam designed a magnificent bridge and other architectural features .
7 The mothers did n't feel comfortable with the people in the village .
8 Between 1898 and 1923 the development of a more complex and less easily controlled society confronted the monarchy of King Alfonso XIII with a series of new challenges .
9 There were twelve professorships , each with a staff of highly trained assistants .
10 IN a desperate attempt to keep the Bat boom , DC 's next treatment of the Dark Knight myth will be John Byrne 's Batman 3-D , which will come complete with a pair of 3-D glasses .
11 The Orchard Sound Producer provides and 11 voice FM music synthesiser and a 4 watt amplifier , comes complete with a pair of speakers it is compatible with SoundBlaster and AdLib files and costs £69.00
12 He also wrote at the court of the patriarch of Aquileia , and approached the Emperor Frederick II with a series of poems in about 1236 .
13 ‘ We 'll be able to measure courage and decisiveness , common sense and honesty , and all with a pair of callipers and a measuring tape ! ’
14 Other interventions have reinforced the feeling that all is not well with the ethics of Docklands .
15 [ 16 ] ) , the melting domain with a complete protection of the non template strand from -8 to +16 and the recognition domain upstream of -14 with a series of protected sugars every 10–11 nucleotides , indicating that the enzyme faces towards one side of the DNA .
16 The fourth theme was concerned with the means by which these ends should be pursued , and relied on a partnership between the legislature arid the judiciary .
17 The mission began on September 6 with a series of business meetings at Gothenburg in Sweden .
18 All those who were familiar with the works of Kerschensteiner knew that the task of the schools was to educate their pupils to serve their fellow citizens ; they were to be taught the value of joy in work as service .
19 I 'm not over familiar with the works of Ira , Chuck and Sid but Elliott 's sounds are pretty much what I was expecting .
20 Reid was familiar with the works of both Malebranche and Arnauld , and expressed views strikingly similar to those in the latter 's Treatise in his own Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man .
21 Preston was familiar with the works of St Augustine , or , at least , more familiar than the majority of seven-year-olds , from the teaching of Mother Bernard to whom he went for catechism once a week .
22 ‘ Yes , I come from Lochaber , and the Lochaber people , if they were here , would be at one with the people of Breadalbane .
23 Mrs Dyer was lodged in Reading Gaol , where she made two abortive attempts at suicide , the first with a pair of scissors with which she tried to stab herself ; thwarted , she then tried to strangle herself with her boot laces , with no greater success .
24 It would be compatible with the fish in your tank .
25 ‘ Certainly , hobby and professional treasure hunting is compatible with the ethics of archaeology .
26 I began 1982 with a series of visits to look at the issues which were facing the health service .
27 But in apparently suggesting that armies of feckless teenagers should be supplied with free contraceptives , Sir Keith irked the right too , which has been traditionally critical of the notion of indulging the young with the means of sexual hedonism unhampered by restraints .
28 For its part , the Labour Government of 1960 did a " U turn " on a number of pledges ( most notably by restoring charges for the health service ) , and although the party entered office in 1974 with a series of clear policy commitments more radical in tone and in aspiration than any that the party had endorsed since 1945 the promise of industrial regeneration and social justice was in the end reneged .
29 Tactical training with Warrior , following conversion , started in March 1989 with a series of map exercises and discussions .
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