Example sentences of "[adj] with [noun] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having considered something of the nature of aesthetic perception , it remains necessary to link this with education and with techniques stemming from Personal Construct theory which might well be used both for learning and for investigation in the area of artistic appraisal .
2 From their showroom on the ground floor , up through the offices , kitchen , living room and bedrooms , the house is aglow with colour and with tartan .
3 It was a successful scheme , popular with travellers and with hoteliers who clamoured to get their hotels on to the prestigious Cook 's list .
4 Observe that hypnotics , minor tranquillisers , pain killers and many other mood-altering drugs are cross-addictive with alcohol and with the various illegal addictive drugs .
5 The so-called ‘ Loony Left ’ , much invoked before the general election of June 1987 , was in some places responsible if not for vagaries in the total school curriculum , then at least for the expenditure of scarce resources on teachers , and publications , dealing with subjects dear to their hearts , like racism , sexism , and peace-studies , unpopular with government and with many parents .
6 Like any celebrity city , Los Angeles is rife with gossip and in Hollywood , anyone who gets ’ completely loaded ’ is nota burping lager lout , just someone who drinks slightly more than you do .
7 By 1985 it had overtaken the latter , reaching $25m. , and retained its position in 1986 with $30m. and in 1987 with $35m .
8 Total fee income doubled between 1977 and 1983 , and Spencer Stuart firmly established its position as third of the Big four by 1985 , with $33m. maintained in 1986 with $43m. and in 1987 with $56m .
9 ‘ Jeez , how on earth d' ya take a bath and how is your love life ’ were presumably part of the empathy process from Gerry and his audience almost comatose with voyeurism and in need of splints for drop-jaw .
10 The tower , like other of the medieval remains of Sauveterre ( all of them numbered and labelled by the tourist authorities , as if they were clues in an architectural treasure hunt ) , is alive with pigeons and with palombes , wisely sitting out the shooting season in town .
11 The desperation of people who ca n't afford to live on the pay that they are earning and who look forward to any means of change in that with hope and with optimism because things could n't get worse .
12 A cartoon of a naked Murdoch , complete with tits and with his privates covered by a copy of the Sun , appeared under the headline MURDOCH ON THE COUCH and the subhead IT 'S RUPERT THE BARE WEEK IN YOUR PEACEFULLY PICKETING POST .
13 He 's good with cows and with sheep , lambing time . ’
14 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
15 You can be perfectly well with HIV and at other times chronic debility makes it hard to do even the basic things .
16 This paper is concerned with culture and with evolution , but not with cultural evolution .
17 A recognition of the need to maintain that sector and through it the full diversity of recorded music in Britain is one reason why the last few years has seen a new interest in the record industry from public bodies concerned with culture and with employment .
18 the incorporation of human rights issues in education curricula for schools and training colleges at all levels in collaboration with other institutions and individuals concerned with education and with human rights ;
19 Girls were equal to , or in advance of boys in topics concerned with money and on calendar questions .
20 It is presumed that staff concerned with training and with the operation of special work creation schemes will remain with the Manpower Services Commission .
21 An understanding of the occupational structure for women is essential if policies are to be formulated which ensure equality of opportunity with men ; it also forms an important foundation for policies concerned with unemployment and with the prediction of changes in women 's participation in paid employment .
22 He was very preoccupied with religion and at any hour of day or night might summon Alvares for a religious discussion .
23 But you can take it from us , the Queen was incandescent with rage and at Balmoral right now every member of her family from Prince Philipdown is desperately trying to stay out of her way .
24 During the battle , a burn nearby ran red with blood and in legend has been called ‘ the bloody burn ’ .
25 Judy Dunn has invaluable advice for parents on this theme in her book The Beginnings of Social Understanding : The point is that co-operative behaviour is incompatible with aggression and for this reason increasing co-operative activities by reinforcing them is one very effective way of diminishing aggression .
26 Diplomatic relations were established on Sept. 28 with Cuba and on Oct. 15 with Algeria .
27 Solidarity with Southern nationalists is still a major Northern nationalist perception , despite the fact that they view their Southern compatriots at best with indifference and at worst as traitors who sold them out to the loyalists .
28 Yet much of what we have discussed can be overcome with sensitivity and by trying to ‘ feel into ’ how the family and friends of the dead person are feeling .
29 The officer 's black boots were knee-high , his spurs were gilded steel , his sabretache was bright with sequins and with gold embroidery , his short scarlet jacket was girdled with a gold sash , and his tall stiff collar encrusted with bright lace .
30 The eyes which met his across the table top were bright with horror and with an excitement which was too close to relish to be comfortable .
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