Example sentences of "[adj] that she [be] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Beryl was staring at him , her lips were trembling and it was clear that she was deeply disturbed .
2 When it became clear that she was adamantly opposed to his suggestion , he had decreed that upon reaching Dartmeet all her nonsense must stop .
3 From the noise she made , it was clear that she was still angry but Constance was n't frightened .
4 He had forced his way into her life , arranged things so that she 'd had no choice but to do his bidding — and as soon as she 'd done something to make it clear that she was still her own person and not his , he 'd humiliated her .
5 Her face was racked with pain and it was clear that she was very ill .
6 It was clear that she was very close to death , and Julia began to worry because Minnie had not been informed .
7 It was so cynically dismissive that she was momentarily speechless , and he added , ‘ Shall we go ? ’
8 She was so interested that she was only vaguely aware the room was emptying of other guests until a waiter picked up their empty glasses and obstinately replaced the ashtrays Roman had borrowed .
9 They were afraid that she was very ill , so when they saw her looking happy and well , everyone felt better .
10 Her pregnancy made it acceptable that she was just there , soaking in the sun , not looking for anything , not seeking , not doing anything .
11 It 's just so unbelievable that she 's so poorly .
12 It was unbelievable that she was only the same age as many of them .
13 My hon. Friend is a charming relative newcomer to this place and we are delighted that she is here , but if she had been here as long as I have — getting on for 18 years now — she would have heard me banging on about exactly that point .
14 I doubt if my mother really wanted to have a child in the heat of India and was surely delighted that she was merely the victim of indigestion .
15 Even now I half-suspected that she was just teasing , but in the end it was she who wriggled and twisted until we docked .
16 Conscious that she was only scantily dressed , Sarella gave him a weighing glance .
17 It was more likely that she was simply allowing her vivid imagination to run away with her .
18 Hence , it is likely that she was openly acknowledged as his consort , and was present when he was chosen as king in 1016 .
19 We were cruising slowly with no lights and as the other craft approached , it became obvious that she was also without lights .
20 It was obvious that she was very upset and alarmed .
21 My aunt did n't get many letters from her , and those she did get were censored , but from the way Zdenka wrote , it was obvious that she was very hungry .
22 It was obvious that she was now completely under his spell .
23 She registered of a sudden that she was bitterly cold .
24 It was not until the twenty third of May of nineteen ninety that she was finally discharged home to the care of her parents .
25 He found Catherine Crane competently and tactfully assisting with operations , and as he came to stand beside her realized she was so cold that she was almost shuddering .
26 As ‘ number-one woman ’ in your husband 's life you are in a strong position , and can afford to be very generous to her , especially in the all important matter of making sure that she is often able to spend time quite alone with her son .
27 But I 'm sure that she 's very nice when you get to know her . ’
28 It is said that when travelling by boat the Duchess of Windsor sent to the bridge for hourly weather reports to be sure that she was appropriately clad .
29 By the time she reached the Campo San Maurizio , she felt so tired that she was almost afraid she would have to climb the cold stone stairs to the first floor on her hands and knees .
30 Posh Porky knew exactly when and where she was born and never stopped reminding us all that she was nearly a year younger than anyone else in the class .
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