Example sentences of "[adj] that [vb base] n't [verb] " in BNC.

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1 a detailed map key to all parts of the Castle , including some that do n't exist in the material world !
2 Look at them long and hard with a fresh eye , question their presence and their use ; there are very few that do n't lend themselves to ingenious transformations .
3 There 's the odd few that do n't get on with the teachers .
4 I think that wedding anniversaries make very suitable subjects for pressed flower pictures , and there ca n't be many that do n't lend themselves to a suitable picture .
5 I find those that have n't got anything are just as well off today .
6 Oh would you like to go and get your questionnaire those that have n't got them .
7 right I want to see the homework , those that have n't got it etcetera .
8 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
9 And what most of the analysis misses is that reports such as this will accelerate the process , persuading those that do n't want to downsize that they will soon have little alternative as vendors put mainframe lines onto care and maintenance .
10 The torygraph is full of tits — namely the people who write — especially the football correspondents and even more so those that do n't give Leeds a good write up ( see Leeds vs Arse ) .
11 Most bedrooms have private facilities , and those that do n't have free use of a separate bathroom .
12 Money , well they tell me that people who have a lot of money are as stressed as those that do n't have it .
13 Beware of those that do n't declare their contents ; some contain only cheap vegetable oils with just a tiny amount of fragrance .
14 Those that like the Macintosh System love it : those that do n't like it detest the idea of that mass of graphical software between them and their applications , between them and the processor : like the nervous flyer , they hate the feeling that they are not in control , that if something goes wrong , there is absolutely nothing they can do to save themselves .
15 Those that do n't get found out very quickly ’ .
16 They 're all under nine months old and those that do n't get away are destroyed .
17 Those that do n't accept terms by June 30 risk being declared surplus and laid off .
18 He said ‘ Okay , I want you to show me everything , ’ and I said ‘ Well , there are six strings , they 're tuned like this and written down an octave , ’ ( For those that do n't know , when guitar music is transposed onto a stave , it 's dropped a whole octave to keep it on the treble clef — Ed ) and he was taking notes and I gave him a beginning guitar book so that he could see how it was all written out !
19 I will be wearing a Knee length leather coat ( bloody cold ) with a hood and my Leeds away shirt on underneath ( Yellow and Blue vertical stripes for those that do n't know ; - ) ) .
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