Example sentences of "[adj] that [pron] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But it is exactly in phrases like this that one sees Tolkien playing with medieval notions of style , with ‘ loose semantic fit ’ , with a personal view of poetry .
2 It is clear that one supplies labour and the other demands it , but do education and business have only this one thing in common ?
3 Careful experiments have made it clear that they take note of the geographical features below them and when leaving their home loft they circle above it as if refreshing their memory with one last look before departing .
4 While Bantock , Holbrook , Inglis and those English teachers who support the ‘ élitists ’ , recommend the employment of stimuli drawn exclusively from the music , painting and literature of high art , and make it clear that they view creativity partly as a way back into appreciation , a radical teacher like Searle rejects this culture completely .
5 As regards others who are terminally ill and whom the law regards as incompetent — for example , the unconscious , the mentally ill , the mentally handicapped , or the seriously confused — it is not clear that anyone has authority in law to consent to or refuse treatment on their behalf .
6 It was clear that he judged marriage — at least partly — as an additional burden in an already busy life : ‘ It is the most difficult thing , I think , trying to work out how you can have a family life as well as all the public demands that there are .
7 Now Botswana could not cut itself off from South Africa during the long years of apartheid but Botswana did make clear that it opposed apartheid and voiced this very strongly and much to the annoyance often of the South African government .
8 In another change of tack — there was a time when OS/2 was the whole future as far as the company was concerned , Microsoft Corp is switching its signals and is now making it clear that it expects MS-DOS users to prepare to switch to Windows NT .
9 But despite these comforts and the fact that he was fully accepted by the Russians as a patriot , it seems doubtful that he found life very rewarding .
10 2 That he hated democracy .
11 I would like to be away from here , I am not too old for new surroundings , not so old that I feel dread and insecurity in the prospect of a change .
12 Very odd that he sold Kerslake eh ?
13 Surely he presented no physical threat to anyone , but it was possible that he had knowledge that was threatening .
14 But Mr Bellford works very hard , and it is possible that he has amnesia .
15 Christians see the power of God 's love as so strong that it overcomes sin and death .
16 I became lively , hard-working , and so well-organised that I found inefficiency in others deplorable .
17 It was soon after that that we contacted APEX and the Willesden Law Centre , and got in touch with Jack Dromey .
18 It is very striking that he changed style immediately he changed wife .
19 However , the optical properties of a simple calcite lens in contact with water are such that it transmits light in a diffused way and can not bring it to a sharply focused point .
20 Is the concept of sensation involved in these sentences such that it makes sense to say that the same sensation is excited by the presence to our organs of numerous objects , or is it such that numerous objects ( and , indeed , the same object at different times ) can not but excite different , though possibly exactly similar sensations ?
21 The motion of the ions and electrons in the sheet is such that it gives rise to a net current around Jupiter .
22 The force of the impact between rope and throat was such that it ruptured ligament and cartilage in Putt 's larynx .
23 The cellular structure of a coconut tree is such that it convects moisture from its roots to its branches .
24 7 That he shot wild-life in the desert .
25 Hearing these words and seeing the speaker ride boldly toward him , the tiger was so alarmed that he turned tail and bolted into the forest .
26 Investigations by S. E. Winbolt showed that the first two had small rectangular enclosures of about three acres and these are so like the burgi on Watling Street that it is not impossible that they represent part of the fortified system established by Constantius Chlorus , although the dating evidence indicates an earlier origin .
27 She 'd be sluicing her face down with cold water , I assumed , vowing never again to drink so much that she lost control of herself in such an embarrassing , such an appallingly dangerous and potentially disastrous way .
28 The plane was loaded down so much that it had difficulty in skimming the tops of those large mountains , but I was not troubled , thinking that the pilot was a well-trained American , until after an hour of this mountain hopping a small Chinese face appeared at the cockpit door and said , ‘ Is you all all-lite ? ’
29 As he rushes hither and thither , his note-books become crammed with an amazing collection of miscellaneous information which is so diverse and uneven that it gives colour to and so in a way explains Robert Lowie 's famous definition of culture as a ‘ thing of shreds and patches ’ .
30 It 's still a hot air story , and we give most hot air stories — some dignitary with no power to do anything to change the situation has ‘ called for ’ , ‘ demanded ’ , ‘ warned ’ or whatever — but the issue is so serious that it deserves notice : we have frequently highlighted the manner in which US — and European — anti-dumping measures that supposedly benefit a tiny minority are to the detriment of the vast majority , and there is now a groundswell of opinion at the US Department of Commerce that the International Trade Commission 's brief in considering charges of dumping should extend to a review of the impact of duties on consumers ; the current issue is the anti-dumping duties likely to be made permanent today on memory chip imports from South Korea , which are sought by Micron Technology Inc but opposed by both all memory chip users and by the US chip capital equipment manufacturers that sell to the South Koreans .
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