Example sentences of "[adj] that she [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She made it clear that she wished their relationship to continue , but could nor tolerate Charles 's violent outbursts .
2 She would cook them all a good breakfast and make it clear that she expected them to be at the table on time .
3 O'Keeffe made it clear that she defined her art strictly as self-expression and indicated that she had first begun her formal training at the Art Institute of Chicago .
4 She felt a deep , sensual pleasure as she held his leaping , quivering manhood in check , but the heat of him was so dangerously exciting that she arched herself in mute supplication , begging him to give her the release that her body craved .
5 It is perhaps interesting that she gave her forwarding address in America as 83 Brattle Street which was , in fact , where Emily Hale lived .
6 Rejection was so icily painful that she caught her breath .
7 His eyes were so alive that she felt she was looking straight into the source of his pleasure — he was the sort of man who thrived on challenge and went out to meet it head-on .
8 But the assistant on the show got so pissed that she put her head on his lap , after which he got up and walked off in the middle of the programme . ’
9 He was dead to the world , so deeply asleep that she wondered what on earth he could have been doing half the night .
10 During the next few days , Cassie was immeasurably grateful that she had her work .
11 It was in vain that she told herself he was a stranger , a man who had probably by now forgotten her .
12 Her own awareness of him was so strong that she felt she could have tracked him anywhere , just by the dizzying sensation of his presence .
13 She was going out with a friend of mine , but she came on so strong that she frightened him off .
14 Although as a legacy of the Gullane incident , she felt that her father never fully trusted her again until his dying day , the shock , allied to the S.L.G.A 's threat of a ban , was such that she mended her ways at once .
15 And er half heatedly she decided she ought , she could n't have any more children you know she 'd , I do n't think it was money so much that she thought she 'd got enough and somebody told her about this Slippery Elm , well you could get a Slippery Elm drink , you know you know these milky foods if you 've got a poor tummy , that that can , er she bought a tin of this Slippery Elm drink , and she drunk gallons of it and it was doing her good and she thought er she thought it would n't , she 'd gone wrong you see .
16 Who could the woman be , who admired him so much that she sent him a valentine ?
17 Perhaps it was because she liked Brown Owl so much that she wanted her to marry someone rather special and wonderful .
18 But he would n't , and redoubled his efforts with her hand , using it as his instrument until she hated what he was doing so much that she shook her head on the pillow and whispered , " No — please — no ! "
19 Princess Anne 's daughter , Zara likes Sugar & Spice by Little Miss Perfumes so much that she bought her school friends sets for Christmas !
20 He sounded so disgusted that she seized her case and bolted through the door he indicated .
21 Lee suddenly felt so sad that she thought she would never move again .
22 He banged his cup down on its saucer , so hard that she expected it to shatter .
23 The smile had died from his eyes , and he tightened his arms round her so hard that she thought her ribs might crack .
24 He put his hands on her shoulders , towering over her , his powerful body so compelling that she thought she would fall if he let her go .
25 He 'd applauded politely at the end of every number , but seemed totally unmoved , and somehow that had made her try all the harder , as though it were imperative that she reach him .
26 She guessed it was pretty obvious that she had nothing to come back with when , his expression grimmer than ever , ‘ We 'll finish this conversation inside , ’ he clipped , and although Fabia would by far have preferred that he simply hand over her car keys and let her go on her way , she realised that there were some responsibilities in life which you just could n't duck .
27 ‘ She had a very detailed knowledge of Enya 's music , and it was obvious that she plays it a lot . ’
28 Still , it was good that she sought his advice .
29 Alexandra was not entirely sure that she chose her clothes with the magazine in mind .
30 Two young men , superior artisans probably , out for a night on the town , dressed in an imitation of their betters , their brown bowlers tipped over their foreheads , their eyes searching the crowd for likely partners for a bit of fun , had attracted Rose 's attention , and she had made sure that she attracted theirs .
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