Example sentences of "[adj] that he had [prep] " in BNC.

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1 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
2 In saying this , it is likely that he had in mind not merely Lessing 's criterion of beauty , but his fundamental contrast between poetry and the visual arts .
3 That was all that he had in mind , as Prior Robert , bewildered and displeased by what seemed to him very grudging acceptance of a duty that should have conveyed honour upon the recipient , waved Jerome imperiously to the altar .
4 Edward hurled all that he had in his hands , the purse , the scent , which struck the rat in the paunch .
5 And when he wrote ‘ Tho ’ my errors and wrecks lie about me' , I believe that cantos like 107 and 108 were those that he had in mind ; and that he was right to judge them thus harshly .
6 He was in top form , witty and debonair , and the party continued until the next day when Modigliani , still in a happy mood , became so rowdy that he had to be thrown out and locked in a police cell all night .
7 For some time now he had been certain that he had at last evolved a diction appropriate both to the requirements of classical epic and to the subtleties of the alchemical process .
8 R. A. Butler , one of the Conservative Party 's chief spokesmen on foreign affairs , stated in the House of Commons on 27 February 1947 that he had for some time regarded Korea ‘ as perhaps the greatest danger spot for peace in the Far East ’ .
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