Example sentences of "[adj] that come [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 And it 's only in the minority of cases where things go wrong that come to the attention at the Trading Standards Department .
2 And you know , the sad thing is there are an awful lot of Chri faith , that mu that that comes under the realm , to my way of thinking , of mind over matter , that 's the power of positive thinking , that is not biblical faith .
3 The Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons ' Act 1970 provided the basis for much that comes under the heading of community care .
4 The British people will also note that all that came from the spokesman for the Government who have raised the tax burden to its highest level in British history .
5 All that came from the time when Central News was transmitted from Birmingham .
6 Contrasting binding on the leading edges of curtains ( those that come to the centre ) will give a sharp definition and a smart finish .
7 people I know and the only ones I really know are those that come in the shop .
8 You 're certain that comes from the plane ? ’
9 It has ten pre-punched cards supplied with it , instead of the 20 that come with the SK280 and SK740 and it does n't have a carrying case .
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