Example sentences of "[adj] for [adj] people [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 If someone a obviously it 's it 's what I 'm asking is hypothetical anyway because I mean the flats are coming down so no one new can move in , but say you actually if if it was possible for other people to move into these flats and you knew someone and they said erm , You know I 'm thinking of moving into Green flats , what would you say ?
2 But this would itself be merely an instance of the general fact that with most sentences it is possible for two people to understand them but disagree about their truth .
3 At the moment it is possible for some people to complain that because the policy is set and also administered centrally , teams for a major championship marathon are picked in the same way as sprint squads .
4 The UK 's largest friendly society , Family Assurance , has joined forces with the medical group Private Patients Plan ( PPP ) to make it easier for young people to buy their first home , with a policy called Generation Builder .
5 Disability Working Allowance will make it easier for disabled people to take up a job .
6 When marital relationships have declined , or have been lost altogether it becomes far easier for older people to suppress their sexual needs , to feel that they are unnatural and unwanted .
7 Dr Walter Kilner developed some screens filled with a dicyanin solution which sensitized the eyes and made it easier for more people to see the aura .
8 The bill also made permanent changes in the system in order to make it easier for more people to qualify for extended jobless benefits in the future .
9 He asked Macmillan to intervene : ‘ It was quite wrong for other people to incarcerate a ‘ legal prime Minister ’ . ’
10 The fees charged by lawyers were said to be too high for ordinary people to afford .
11 This debate has its origins in Laski 's deprecation of the narrow social basis of recruitment into the higher civil service in Britain , making it impossible for such people to understand working-class problems ( Laski 1938 ) ; and Kingsley 's prediction that an unrepresentative bureaucracy would block radical reformist policies and therefore threaten democracy ( Kingsley 1944 ) .
12 And the few new sites made available through the Countryside Stewardship Access Scheme would be impossible for most people to find , said Douglas Hart , who monitored seven out of the 11 locations in Suffolk .
13 The books , the prints , the articles , the parodies , the paintings , the poetry — everyone wanted to go to the Lakes and of course the war with the French had made it all but impossible for most people to travel abroad .
14 It 's very easy for young people to come into politics , full of enthusiasm and full up of get up get up and go and many of them get up and go after a few years .
15 I think that at the moment it is not easy for ordinary people to learn to compute on most of the existing computing systems .
16 In these circumstances it may be hard for other people to believe that the governors ' proceedings can be as fair as they should be .
17 Of course the Lloyds building is hard for many people to swallow .
18 It was hard for most people to understand the quality of Céline 's love .
19 He concludes : ‘ So although at first it is also natural for civilized people to condemn out of hand what I had just witnessed as disgraceful heathen bestiality , they , too , if they were honest might come to feel it was at least partly redeemed by the genuine religious conviction on which it is based . ’
20 ‘ But it 's more unusual for older people to get it .
21 Given that it is good for many people to get out of the home and meet other people at work , and that it is crucially important not to leave re-entry into the labour market until the person 's children have grown up , these disregard rules need to be reversed as soon as possible .
22 I find it odd when it is suggested that it would be better for other people to grow the tobacco and for us to import it — as though that would help the health of the Community .
23 ‘ It would be better for these people to suffer the knock of failing their test once than have a bigger knock afterwards , such as a road accident , ’ she says .
24 It is useful for such people to learn to vary the quality of their effort .
25 It is mentioned just once in this book in a pejorative reference to ‘ segregated workshops ’ , yet a dozen pages earlier , the authors complain that in the earlier part of the century ‘ in some areas there were virtually no sheltered workshops at all for disabled people to attend ’ .
26 A : In all honesty , I favour a total ban on Rottweilers , because they 're much too powerful for ordinary people to handle .
27 but all d all different meanings and they could pick out and I said well erm it would er be handy for foreign people to have a speaking dictionary because they would be able to pick up the pronunciation of that word would n't they ?
28 It is important for older people to look more positively at their physical condition and , whilst accepting the reality of it , resist feelings about the hopelessness of recovery , or the inevitability of further decline .
29 And few would disagree that , given the fanaticism and sheer ferocity of tabloid prejudice , it would be unreasonable for gay people to expect that Labour should adopt our cause as an election issue .
30 It is common for old people to play down the extent of the abuse and it is not easy to gauge how far their reluctance to discuss alternative care is due to fear of the unknown rather than acceptance of the situation .
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