Example sentences of "[adj] was [art] [noun] he " in BNC.

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1 He found himself struggling on his back with the stifling presence of the flag wrapped round him like a shroud ; the strange thing was that as he weakly continued to struggle ( for the staff lay across his legs , pinning him down , and the lanyards had somehow trussed his elbows to his sides ) , he recognized the sensation immediately : this was a nightmare he had had on the night they had taken refuge in the Residency , and repeatedly since then throughout the siege ; when the Collector , cursing , had at last fought his way out of the flag , it was such a relief to escape from his nightmare that he felt he did not mind so much about the sepoys .
2 Only thus , only by pretending unreality , pretending this was a part he acted , could he go on , cross the wild , shaggy grass , go past the black-branched cedar tree , arrive at the porch set in its four Doric columns and insert his key in the lock .
3 This was a dimension he could not remember in the old Elsie .
4 This was a characteristic he shared with Anwar Sadat .
5 This was a story he told all his life ; it was just the first of many miracles with which he believed he was blessed .
6 The danger of killing himself in a fall was very real , but this was a fear he had learned to master , even to enjoy .
7 This was a feeling he sometimes had , when he pictured his friends as ‘ stationed ’ , like auspicious stars , close to him , protecting him , and offering him the privilege and pleasure of performing , in their respect , good deeds .
8 He realized in that instant that his entire life would be changed utterly — that this was no sentimental longing , no passing fancy or phase , this was a feeling he would live by , whatever the costs .
9 But this was a , this was a priority he would n't have , they would n't bothered anyone unless they got a husband in the background , somewhere .
10 This was an original he was very proud of this and he kept telling us about this .
11 Perhaps because this was an interview he had been glad to postpone , even temporarily .
12 However , after studying as many photographs as I could find of Randy 's original , it would appear that this was the way he wanted things and I would n't dare criticise him for it .
13 Certainly , this was the way he needed to present it for domestic consumption , for this new alliance and the concession of territory for military use by a foreign power scarcely seemed consistent with the many hours and column inches he had devoted to demonizing the western democracies and to denouncing the British " occupation " of Gibraltar .
14 She said that this was the way he would have wanted to die .
15 HE REALIZED IN THAT instant that this was the love he had been hoping for , his quest fulfilled .
16 This was the price he paid far having thrown in his lot with a person who with all her virtues — generosity , warmth of character , genuine and passionate admiration , as well as love , for Lewis himself — did not have the concept of a working day .
17 This was the day he had waited for so long — the day of the fair .
18 This was the part he had dreamt of night after night in that living room and now — astoundingly — it was to come true in the birthplace of Shakespeare with a great company all around his son .
19 This was the work he did in Rupe ; seignorial business , not the punishing labour of properly suits in the city .
20 Perhaps more fundamental than this was the criticism he received from a Methodist minister that the book does not really mention , let alone do justice to , the central Christian doctrine of Justification by Faith .
21 This was the moment he had been waiting for since his ordination .
22 Because I had the definite impression that this was the area he was working in . ’
23 Nichols , watching this pantomime , quickly explained that this was the guy he had picked for the lead in The Graduate .
24 But Paul did n't like to admit that this was the reason he did n't want to give up his day job .
25 The government insisted this was the reason he secretly contacted Castro to mediate a solution that would save him from the drug dealers ' retribution .
26 The answer was even more unsettling — that this was the department he 'd worked in .
27 This was the emotion he had tried to purge himself of by identifying with the snakes that had taken up residence in the ashes of his family 's land .
28 I now decided it must be my messing about with the eggs that was causing the problem , even though John had told me this was the method he was using .
29 It was almost , Alice thought , as if this was the answer he had expected .
30 This was the line he took in his propaganda , but this does not necessarily mean that he did not believe it himself .
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