Example sentences of "[adj] is say to [be] " in BNC.

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1 This is said to be ‘ getting real ’ , being ‘ very Nineties ’ .
2 This is said to be the first house built in the village .
3 This is said to be the ‘ age of travel ’ .
4 Hindus know the cosmic energy as the kundalini or serpent force , and this is said to be coiled around the base of the spine in every human being .
5 All of this is said to be made easier by ( and possibly to have been a partial consequence of ) the introduction of information technology .
6 Are you aware that the array of funerals , commonly made by undertakers , is strictly the heraldic array of a baronial funeral , the two men who stand at the doors being supposed to be the two porters of the castle , with their staves , in black ; the man who heads the procession , wearing a scarf , being a representative of a herald-at-arms ; the man who carries a plume of feathers on his head being an esquire , who bears the shield and casque , with its plume of feathers ; the pall-bearers , with batons , being representatives of knights-companions-at-arms ; the men walking with wands being supposed to represent gentlemen-ushers , with their wands : are you aware that this is said to be the origin and type of the common array usually provided by those who undertake to perform funerals ?
7 This is said to be a future three star route .
8 Quicklime slaked in urine and laid on the wood while hot , will also stain it a red colour ; and this is said to be the general practice with Windsor chair manufacturers in the neighbourhood of London ’ .
9 This is said to be one of the best angling waters in the Midlands although this nearly changed a year ago when a slug of pollution threatened to wipe out 100,000 fish .
10 This is said to be saving 1,000,000 bags per week — including 20,000 gallons of oil and 20 tonnes of plastic involved in their manufacture .
11 The FA-18 is said to be not well-suited to Switzerland , where fast aircraft find mountains looming up alarmingly soon .
12 Relative to Figure 6 , the plane of Figure 7 is said to be " rotated about " the insect .
13 The marriage of a person who has been judicially declared insane is totally void , and the same is said to be true of any disposition of property made by such a person .
14 That is said to be no longer true in South Africa where a general feeling of ‘ tiredness ’ in the Church is alleged .
15 CELEX is open to the public and is available to subscribers by network , although that is said to be rather difficult to use .
16 In a country where one in four is said to be an informer or member of the secret police , if the present order breaks down there will be a lot of old scores to be settled .
17 Squire Western is said to be modelled on Philip Bennet , and the heroine of Tom Jones on his daughter Ann .
18 Motorola Inc is said to be concerned that the move will fuel suggestions that the 88000 RISC chip is dead even though the company may be at least partially responsible for the shortfall in 88open 's funding .
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