Example sentences of "[adj] is to be done " in BNC.

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1 How this is to be done , and what ye all have to do , I will leave in the hands of the Bishop Don Hieronymo , and Alvar Fañez , and Pero Bermudez .
2 If this is to be done , despite the number who are brought up in other religions , it is reasonable to do it largely through the medium of Christianity , simply because Christianity exists as an institution in this country , and is by no means dead .
3 Another essential aspect of rabbit clearance when this is to be done without the use of guns is nets .
4 But Althusser 's own account does not make it clear how this is to be done .
5 If the claim that they all legitimate the existing order is to be more than a dogma it must be refined , and Althusser 's work offers no suggestion as to how this is to be done .
6 He uses an example to explain how this is to be done .
7 But it is a relatively complex judgement , and , like entailment , will probably prove to be derivable from more elementary intuitions ( e.g. from patterns of normality and abnormality ) , although it is not at present clear how this is to be done .
8 However , it does not require magistrates ( or anyone else for that matter ) to secure the information needed if this is to be done effectively .
9 This is to be done by a questionnaire which will seek to identify the channels through which jobs are sought , the number of firms approached and the wages expected and gained .
10 I accept the argument which er Noble Viscount put so clearly that there may be a case for bringing in some outside people , but if this is to be done , it seems to me that the police authority itself is the authority best able to judge what particular gaps need to be filled and the one of the amendments to which I am speaking erm does contemplate giving power to the authority to co-opt members with experience which might not other ways be available , for example from among the ethnic minorities .
11 He is going , Alida thought in despair , and no more is to be done , no examination is to be made , tranquillisers are the only treatment I am to have … . ‘ a full medical check-up only one month before . ’
12 It should reflect Section I 's criteria for selecting significant issues , and acknowledge areas where more is to be done and where new measures may have to be found in the medium or long term .
13 How that is to be done necessitates an explanation that can not be other than labyrinthine .
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