Example sentences of "[adj] is [conj] i [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I du n no this is somebody else 's paper so This is before I had a I worked it out as I I th I thought it 'd work out a three- four-five triangle .
2 This is before I left , I I , I have n't done .
3 Well this is and I noticed erm sort of do my in this particular one , she said she 's interested in North American Indians
4 I suppose the reason I got down to an effort to be objective is that I did n't like the interpretations of my other things — so here I am with an array of alligator pears — about ten of them — calla lilies — four or six — leaves — summer green ones — ranging through yellow to the dark sombre blackish purplish red — eight or ten — horrid yellow sunflowers — two new red cannas — some white birches with yellow leaves — only two that I have no name for and I do n't know where they come from .
5 All I do know for sure is that I woke up loving him .
6 The first is that I felt my battle to be with authority , whether in the form of teachers , matrons , parents , or even nature itself .
7 Those of us who witnessed the touch-and-go progress of an ultimately triumphant War and Peace — recorded by Philips for release early next year — feared for the future of the rest , but as Gergiev puts it ‘ that which makes me incredibly proud is that I announced these things and they happened ’ — and , one might add , that inspiration was to hand for rather more performances than the fiercely self-critical Gergiev might admit .
8 this is rather what what it , makes it difficult is that I had a copy as well farce right , but do n't say farcical .
9 One question , and that is that I noticed on page three , er , you 've got your revised estimate with effect in ninety four , five , you 've got nothing .
10 Erm Tom has a different er starting number of crackers but that is because I filled some more up .
11 I only have a pound left and I was paid on Friday and that is because I bought food and very basic toiletries .
12 It does have some impact I 'm sure that you 've been the training session and you thought it 's really good , really got a lot out of it and you 're quite surprised to see someone sitting next to you did n't like that much at all , you thought hmm wonder why that is because I found the content really interesting and it could have been the content matter did n't really sort of do anything for the people , it could have been the way it was put together , put over and the way it was actually structured .
13 My mother also had it and when I had previously attempted to diet and had successfully lost weight there was little improvement , if any , to the appearance of my ugly dimpled thighs , that is until I went on my low fat diet .
14 I , no , the reason I got that is cos I said to Nicola I 'm not working less than three pound , cos I 'm gon na over four pounds there .
15 But you see , as I I said to her I said , no Angela it 's alright is that I said , but I said
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