Example sentences of "[adj] is [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The city council leader , Graham Stringer , said : ‘ This is tremendously important for the city .
2 The blades may also be decorated , by a method known as pattern welding , although this is rarely apparent from the corroded form in which they are found ( Wilson 1976b , pp. 265–66 ; Anstee and Beik 1961 ; Hodges 1964 , p. 47ff . ) .
3 Unlike the budget ‘ Rouge et Noir ’ series this is exclusively devoted to French repertoire and artists with names like d'Indy , Gounod , Fauré , Henry Rabaud , Debussy , Poulenc , Gabriel Pierné , Koechlin , and nearer our own time , Boulez and Messiaen .
4 At the same time there are local choirs which strive to follow slavishly the cathedral model , even where this is either unsuccessful in terms of quality or inappropriate for their congregation .
5 This is particularly helpful to the student at the beginning of her allocation .
6 This is particularly noticeable with the anti-bacterial action of essences .
7 This is particularly noticeable with active circuitry ( and especially in electro-acoustic instruments ) , due to the increased output levels involved with actives .
8 This is particularly noticeable on the machair , which usually retains its bare winter appearance till the end of May , and those who wish to see it at its best should wait until mid-June or even July .
9 All sensory forms are affected by proximity and this is particularly noticeable amidst networks of lines .
10 This is particularly noticeable in his variations for the Six fairies in The Sleeping Beauty .
11 This is particularly noticeable in conifers such as yew , spruce or fir , where it makes the canopy increasingly lace-like or transparent .
12 This is particularly noticeable in Between ; indeed she herself says ‘ it 's really with Between that I discovered what I could do with language ’ ( 1989e:83 ) .
13 This is particularly noticeable in Picasso 's drastic treatment of the human body in the series of paintings under discussion ; in some of them the subject 's limbs are abruptly truncated .
14 It could not , then , be said that and combine freely with other consonants in forming consonant clusters ; this is particularly noticeable in initial position .
15 This is particularly apparent in Central America , where it is estimated that seasonal migrants make up 70 per cent of the labour force employed in agriculture .
16 This is particularly apparent in MDC 's efforts to forge alliances with local authorities in its extended area and to complement their regeneration efforts .
17 This is particularly apparent in systems of racial stratification .
18 The reason why this is particularly worrying to those concerned with the elderly mentally frail is that the prevalence of dementia rises markedly with age .
19 This is particularly worrying at a time when environmental effects , which do not feature in the financial balance sheet of an energy project , are becoming a focus for widespread concern and protest .
20 This is particularly critical at a time when the agency is seeking to implement a report prepared by a team of management consultants which emphasises the importance of ‘ seizing the challenge of change ’ in a deliberate bid to alter the direction of the organisation .
21 This is particularly effective in the case of Consider them .
22 This is particularly effective in situations where the sender of a message is working in an area far from any telephone extension , and would therefore find it difficult to alert a pager system , or where two-say conversation is necessary during the course of certain operations .
23 This is particularly useful for small communities and in developing countries , where special water treatment is not available or prohibitively expensive .
24 This is particularly useful for making sure that the positioning of single motifs , large electronic or intarsia designs and so on is not affected by the armhole or neck shapings .
25 This is particularly useful for objects made of several different materials , such as an iron dagger with a handle inlaid with bone and enamels , since the iron corrosion often obscures such details .
26 This is particularly useful for people learning any kind of practical skill — how to assemble delicate instruments , how to apply bandages , how to serve at tennis .
27 This is particularly useful for adding explanatory graphs to otherwise incomprehensible sets of figures before printing out .
28 This is particularly useful for repetitive tasks such as kerblaying , more complex activities such as the fitting out of aeration tanks for a sewage treatment works or even in the design office for the production of reinforcement drawings or outline design drawings .
29 This is particularly useful in distinguishing an authentic Persian or Turkoman item from a good quality copy made in India or Pakistan .
30 This is particularly necessary on white farms where bonded labour has a notorious history .
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