Example sentences of "[adj] it be the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Thatcher rejected the charge , making it clear it was the Chancellor 's responsibility .
2 Of all the German patriotic associations that sprang up along the eastern borders in the 1890s it was the Ostmarkenverein , the Eastern Marches Society founded in 1894 , that was to have the most profound impact on German border society .
3 And if the solicitor got it wrong it 's the executor who takes the blame .
4 Ah it has n't got three and a half it 's the Amstrad three inch ?
5 For some it 's the highlight of the whole event .
6 For some it was the beginning of the end of the Major Premiership .
7 With some it was the hands .
8 All for now — it is chucking down hail , so I am afraid it is the post lift near here tomorrow Monday and not the trek to the main sorting office .
9 4.36 It is the plaintiff 's duty to plead his net loss of earnings .
10 Brutal it were the way he knocked the other feller about . ’
11 In 1560 it was the home of Michael Benson , wool clothier , one of three brothers , who owned most of the freeholds between Rydal and Clappersgate .
12 My Lord that is in dispute , it is in dispute firstly that in fact as a matter of fact , Mr had ever held himself out to be an experienced man er of business , that Peter believed him to be as such , er and in any event , even if he was to seem as such it is the plaintiff 's case that there was still a duty upon the solicitor in that situation .
13 In the second it is the movement of objects .
14 She has n't got any comedy in her , she 's quite serious it 's the home her say in the prologue different mentality .
15 I think you 're honest it 's the people respect you more if you say I 'm sorry , I do n't know the answer , I 'll find out for you and then you say tell you what John , can you write that up on that issues form pad or you know another bit of flipchart paper , we 'll come back to that .
16 Well the income tax is fairly easy it 's the VAT that you 've got to watch they 're
17 In 1802 the Reverend John Piggot sold the manor , and it passed through Hattons , Agaces , Ferards and Schoolcroft Burtons ; from 1901 until 1920 it was the dower house to the widowed Lady Wantage .
18 By the beginning of 1941 it was the monarchist lobby which seemed most in need of this reminder .
19 In per capita terms , Venezuela 's long history as an oil exporter — between 1929 and 1969 it was the world 's leading exporter — has made it the richest country in South America .
20 Dirty filthy it 's the men .
21 We were lucky it was the officer .
22 ‘ The more evidence we accumulate of their unreasonable behaviour the more likely it is the Government will legislate .
23 Perhaps I 've ‘ grown ’ — more likely it is the fact that I have a wealth of female experience that other women are writing about , like myself ( unrecognised at present … ) so I have no need to be ‘ ashamed ’ any longer .
24 More likely it was the knowledge that , for all Dysart 's manifest charm and proven ability , he had a wife who was at best an adulteress , at worst a traitor ; either Minter 's dupe or his co-conspirator .
25 At worst it is the perpetuation of the addictive urges to blame others for the problems of self and to persist in considering one 's self to be special and different .
26 The British Friesian quickly became very popular and by the late 1940s it was the country 's dominant breed , although it was sometimes decried for being uglier , having a worse udder and giving lower quality milk than the Ayrshire and the Shorthorn .
27 The church stood on one side of the narrow street , a lovely old building of dark grey stone , and opposite it was the Vicarage , a tumbledown house which in summer would be completely hidden by tall trees .
28 While the questions asked by the teacher are vital and shall be referred to later it is the development of this skill in pupils which is crucial to their progression .
29 When one is ill it 's the knowledge that somebody cared enough to come and see one that matters more than the flowers and the lemon barley water .
30 From the reign of Henry VIII to that of George II it was the practice of the various probate courts to insist that ‘ a true and perfect inventory ’ of the personal estate of the person who had died should be attached to his will or the letters of administration .
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