Example sentences of "[adj] it [be] for [pron] " in BNC.

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31 The lower the bed is , the harder it is for me to get out .
32 The older the child is the harder it is for him to overcome his difficulty , but there are courses and there are techniques available which definitely do help children to overcome their problems with reading and with spelling and with language as a whole .
33 The more people who stand firm the harder it is for anyone to whisk it away . ’
34 I 've got a sale to go to at nine , and you know how difficult it is for me to get back to sleep once I 've been woken . ’
35 The larger the number of firms already supplying a market and the more difficult it is for them to collude , the more competition there is likely to be .
36 ‘ The more radical the slogans , the more difficult it is for us the day after in the corridors of power in Moscow . ’
37 Unfortunately many employees also know how difficult it is for us to stop them simply imposing changes without agreement from the people that are affected .
38 Oh , how doubly difficult it was for them both .
39 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
40 He avoided her glance , and she saw how difficult it was for him to admit to weakness .
41 The New York Herald headlined ‘ These Girl 's Do n't Drink , Smoke or Flirt ’ and printed an article , attributed to Mary , in which she explained how difficult it was for her to maintain discipline in a society where young girls were surrounded on every side by such bad examples of free and easy ways in all walks of life .
42 He appreciated how difficult it was for me ‘ to give way ’ , what a wrench it was for someone who always operated on his own to cooperate with an act he neither understood nor , at that time , actively sought .
43 The fact that I should think this , and thought this at the time when I was one of the leaders of the movement campaigning for the ordination of women , brings it home to me how difficult it was for me to work within that movement .
44 Similarly , directors have noted how rare it was for him to bring his natural rage into play on screen .
45 It just shows , I think , how vigilant Councillors need to be when you get all these documents , and you do get many of them if you 're a District County Councillor , and how necessary it is for you to read them and study them and to remember because these things are very very important when they 're put in when it goes to higher authority at that time .
46 And he went and told them how necessary it was for him to go to Canada , in the interests of the firm .
47 When my wife and I chose our Peugeot 405 it was for its comfort , performance and interior space .
48 Can you imagine how bitter it is for me to have to write that sentence ?
49 Terry hated having to make these tapes and we knew how distressing it was for him .
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