Example sentences of "[adj] to be the one " in BNC.

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1 Holly-jack — because of her evergreen skin — seemed set to be the one who would persist in winter as the human 's friend ; she would be the oddest of primitive heroines .
2 I sometimes did little unexpected kid things out of my tenderness for her , and was always glad to be the one to take up tea for her if she was unwell , and so on , or to help her with the housework when she was servantless .
3 Back at home with their baby he was quick to be the one to change the nappies and administer the bottle feed once Liddie had given up breastfeeding .
4 Somehow it does n't seem right to count your calories during the week and then suddenly explode into an orgy of indiscriminate gorging when guests come and you are supposed to be the one in control .
5 ‘ F— me ! ’ says Mark shaking his head , ‘ an ’ this is supposed to be the one with the f—in' brains in the band !
6 ‘ I thought you were supposed to be the one who always had all the answers . ’
7 ‘ I 'm supposed to be the one that makes excuses for people , Ellis .
8 Do n't wait around when you are that close because the first person to throw the punch is likely to be the one that scores .
9 A harem travelling with others is not only less likely to be the one attacked but , at least at the onset of the bachelors ' approach , the male can count on the participation of other harem males in ‘ yelping chases ’ that deter the attackers .
10 Feelings within the BBC are that somebody has to go and that the 69-year-old Mr Hussey is likely to be the one .
11 Indeed , the profit figure that is required is not likely to be the one in the financial statements : that is forever a bygone .
12 In the inch wars , Ryvita helps you win — so goes the old advert punch line , but which of the two main Graphical User Interfaces is likely to be the one to give you the best operating environment ?
13 He could not remember how long it was since-his wife had leaned on him , and he found it pleasant to be the one in charge of the situation .
14 ‘ It 's your father , ’ Spencer said , ‘ I 'm sorry to be the one to tell you but you have to know , he is in financial difficulties . ’
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