Example sentences of "[adj] to [be] [v-ing] and " in BNC.

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1 Teachers also confess that , for the first time , they now know what they are supposed to be teaching and ( thanks to the elaborate assessment targets ) how well they are teaching it .
2 Jim still carries the scars of his Carry Ons — he fell off the camel he was supposed to be riding and his left arm was badly broken during the making of Doctor , when he had to ride a hospital trolley down a flight of stairs , through a plate-glass window and on to a table .
3 She might have backed off , gone into the pub and telephoned for a cab to fetch her ; but Holly knew who she was supposed to be meeting and she would feel foolishly fainthearted next day if she had to confess to being too nervous to see the matter through .
4 This was partly due to the fact that I did n't really understand what I was supposed to be doing and partly because I had a very intricate felt-pen and biro decoration to complete on my pencil case ( which obviously took priority over maths work ) .
5 The researcher can then produce a brief for the creative team which should include what the status of the product is seen to be , who their consumers are , what the advertising is supposed to be doing and a whole host of other basic data .
6 We have to admit that each one of us could fail in what we were supposed to be doing and in fact then we could work together , that we could forgive each other and that we could support each other in our work .
7 but it 's not though , it 's not , it 's her fault for being so bloody stupid and not telling us A , what we 're supposed to be doing and B , the fact that I was not having any lunch to go half an hour , what do you mean ?
8 He turned up at a party one night having just managed to get back from Italy where he 'd been supposed to be studying and it came out that he 'd been to Rome , too , and had actually met her father and knew their story — better than she did — and had sat at the feet of the Marchesa Giulia .
9 Not only are they going to find themselves deliberately and actively squeezed from above and below by the very organisation , the ATP Tour , which is supposed to be protecting and encouraging them but they still have to compete against exhibition events , with open cheque books , for a handful of top players .
10 It 's no secret that those guerrilla bands contain a fair proportion of characters who are just as undesirable as the dictatorial governments they 're supposed to be fighting and who would have no hesitation in disposing of those $60,000 missiles , at a fraction of their cost , to any passing terrorists who , in turn , would have no hesitation in loosing off one of those missiles at a passing Boeing 747 , preferably one packed with five hundred American citizens .
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