Example sentences of "[adj] a [adj] part of " in BNC.

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1 It is not surprising that the Science and Engineering Research Council 's review committee found evidence for a low level of activity when they chose to compare such a small part of physics with the whole of chemistry or biology .
2 ‘ We think it 's pretty special ourselves — the land of beech trees , storks and marguerites — and you 've only seen such a small part of it .
3 Looking back on it I could not figure out what went wrong as I had done exactly as instructed but nobody had ever really said much about fallen trees or currents and especially not in such a small part of the river .
4 Now that is a large part of our culture , which in a sense gets sucked into the educational establishment and sucked into teaching relationships , and because it 's such a consistent part of the way in which women are seen , I think they perceive it as a greater problem .
5 Nevertheless , many companies remain reluctant to hand over such a crucial part of their business — involving cash flow and relations with customers — to an outside organisation .
6 Apple , however , were unhappy with their reliance on an external supplier for such a crucial part of their system .
7 In the intervening years the group adapted and grew , introducing the idea of a sales operation to liaise with the major insurers who now comprise such a crucial part of Heggie 's industry .
8 Care management practice , which has been mentioned earlier , is so fundamental to good community care and such a key part of Griffiths ' and the government 's proposals that a further word about it is necessary here .
9 Maybe Maria Luisa was such a deep part of his life now that there was no hope for their future .
10 Sadly , it was n't always such a pleasant part of the principality .
11 It 's such a necessary part of life that I do n't even question it .
12 As befits such a central part of the still-eulogised Birthday Party ( Melbourne 's terrifying gift to Europe 's post-punk scene ) , myth and misunderstanding has stalked Rowland Howard ever since the Party ended in 1983 .
13 It is , however , unlikely that such a central part of the production process as the production technology itself has no influence at all on how people experience work .
14 The bazaar drew nearer and nearer — and what a strange thing , McAllister thought , to be such a central part of her life , and she and Matey worked together now , in that , as in everything else , and Matey 's liking for her grew daily , for the eyes McAllister turned on him were always so full of love , and he was easy and happy with her , as he had not been since he was a boy before Africa and Angela Deverill 's betrayal .
15 At the Food Research Institute Dr David Southgate , who has made a special study of dietary fibre and whose research is the source of the scientific textbook fibre figures , has provided analytical values for the dietary fibre in a range of usefully fibre-rich canned and packaged foods , so that for the first time these products , which form such a major part of modern eating , can be realistically assessed and used for health value .
16 Everyday conversation is actually highly innovative — as can be seen from the neologisms which proved to be such a major part of the lexicon of the tape recordings .
17 However , television is such a major part of people 's lives that simple human interaction has been cut down to a minimum .
18 At this time too there are relationships to be forged with employers and co-workers and , since such a large part of life is spent at the workplace , the good or bad effects of such relationships are likely to affect the individual 's home life too .
19 They argued that the apparent over-representation of black youth in the criminal statistics may be that youth is such a large part of the black population .
20 This is felt to be an important advance , as cereal crops make up such a large part of the world 's food supply .
21 Because that I think is the , because that 's such a large part of the , T , T G I , even if the manual 's not absolutely correct is a long way there .
22 And this might help to explain why Gen Robertson devoted such a significant part of his signal to the order that " all surrendered personnel of established Jugoslav nationality who were serving in German forces should be disarmed and handed over to local Jugoslav forces " .
23 And then , as though embarrassed at having revealed such a secret part of herself , she quickly pushed open the gate and walked up the path .
24 As far as nudity was concerned they quickly accepted it in Josephine 's act as it seemed such a natural part of her but their attitudes were quite prudish when confronted with the nudes backstage .
25 The major changes in their economic position which began in the late nineteenth century and have lasted until the present , essentially are responsible for creating the dependence of younger people which now appears such a natural part of human life .
26 This is because it is considered such a minor part of the hobby , with just a couple of species available , Monos and Scats .
27 This neutralisation regime was intended to meet the interests of both the oil-producing and the oil-consuming countries , ’ the interests of ensuring security and tranquillity in such a sensitive part of the world ’ .
28 They explained to him that there was no provision in the premium rate charged for his endowment assurance to allow for residence in such a hazardous part of the world .
29 What is this free will that we say is such a vital part of our lives ?
30 There was consternation that they could have been overlooked on a day commemorating such a vital part of British history .
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