Example sentences of "[adj] and have [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Though the engine was 17 years old and had been used to pulling 40-tonne loads at 60mph , Mr Tomlinson did n't need to touch it .
2 As long as you can show that they owed you a legal duty to be careful and have been negligent , damages could come your way .
3 Painting throughout its history has served many different purposes , has been flat and has used perspective , has been framed and has been left borderless , has been explicit and has been mysterious .
4 She was an Irish Catholic woman of twenty-eight and had been married for nearly two years .
5 The subsidence which occurs as a result of the mining in any event is very limited and has been able to be taken into account quite adequately on other developments within the Selby District .
6 Emmanuel Levinas , for example , whose career has been long enough to have introduced Husserl to Sartre in the thirties and to have been able to reply to Derrida in the seventies , proposes a rather different critique of such models of knowledge to those which we have encountered so far .
7 The man accused of murdering an Open University lecturer was taken ill and has been absent for most of the second day of his trial .
8 The royal court in Egypt was then one of the most cosmopolitan in the work ; Fawzia was sophisticated and had been accustomed to great luxury and pampering , no least from her doting brother .
9 Hay won this title as skip in 1984 and has been prominent as a player and coach in Scotland and Canada since .
10 Two books , Folklore of Prehistoric Sites in Britain by Leslie Grinsell and The Secret Country by Janet and Colin Bord , appeared in 1976 and have been essential in preparing this chapter .
11 The strength of the Labour Party lay in its ability to win votes , which became increasingly clear in relation to the Liberals after the granting of manhood suffrage in 1918 and had been clear in relation to other socialist groups ever since 1900 .
12 ‘ Secondly , the post of organiser at the Whyte House , is ACE-funded and has been vacant since December 1992 and all attempts to fill it have proved unsuccessful .
13 Then there are the poems of Persia and India that I love above all others ; they have gone the farthest and have been freest of the world 's gravity .
14 joined the Group with the acquisition of of Trowbridge in May 1978 and has been regional buyer for the north west region since March 1985 .
15 Unlike many Third World countries , though , the Eastern European economies are industrial and have been capitalist .
16 Runcorn opened on June 1 and has been terrific with small fish all along and bream at Astmoor and S Bends .
17 He was the British Admiral 's Cup team manager in 1987 and has been involved in AC campaigns since 1981 .
18 Family Support ( Clacton ) was formed by local voluntary services in 1982 and has been independent since 1985 .
19 Birth dates are not given on marriage certificates , only ages , and his mother 's was there as twenty-five , which meant she must have been born in 1926 and have been twenty-seven when he was born .
20 It was widely suspected that the Tucayana had links with the military and had been involved with anti-insurgency operations against the Jungle Commandos and that they feared the establishment of a police force for the interior composed mainly of former Jungle Commando members .
21 Freed to do commercial lending , it singed its fingers in 1989 and has been wary since .
22 Both the US Navy and Army had run their own intelligence departments since the early 1880s while the FBI had been in existence since 1910 and had been responsible for collating foreign intelligence .
23 Fatalities in the chemical industry have remained fairly steady during the 1980s and have been higher or at least feel with those in manufacturing as a whole .
24 I was 24 and had been married for four years before I discovered I was a lesbian .
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