Example sentences of "[adj] and [modal v] [adv] have " in BNC.

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1 Its population at this time can hardly have been less than 50,000 and may easily have been well over 60,000 .
2 Sometimes the ultimate question is only in theory left to the public authority ; for example , in some cases of review for jurisdictional errors of law or fact in which it is clear that if the authority had got the law or the facts right , its decision would have been different and could only have been one way .
3 ‘ He makes the game look so simple and could easily have shot 63 . ’
4 Younger men , on the whole , demonstrated a greater concern with the nature of the state than with the purity of Islam : Libya is Muslim and should therefore have Islamic law .
5 ‘ The baby is weak and will probably have difficulties , ’ he said .
6 Patients referred from family practitioners are likely to be younger and might well have a different incidence of disease causing anaemia .
7 Paediatrics boss George Haycock said : ‘ Both children were extremely ill and would probably have died anyway . ’
8 Carl Llewellyn , 26 , was having his third ride in the Grand National and could never have hoped for a better experience around the huge Aintree fences .
9 He calculated that by the age of 65 the deceased would have put £18,000 into his firm in working capital ; this would have been repayable and would ultimately have come to the widow and her daughter .
10 C will have Cpq = 0 and may also have cuv = 0 ( if
11 95 and would still have 4,300 pounds of fuel remaining .
12 As the reader now knows , and as Willie 's advisers should have told him , there was massive proof that Cooper and McMahon were innocent and should never have been put on trial , let alone convicted .
13 In a nineteenth-century printed version of a fourteenth-century document a family was called de Farbereshaye , a form which seemed reasonable and could conceivably have been a version of Fabro = Smith and ( ge ) haeg = enclosure .
14 His opposition while in office was such that he was ousted — to run a technical publishing house — but he is still in his early fifties and may yet have a political future .
15 Hosepiping the camera back and forth is a bad technique : it makes the audience feel giddy and will soon have it heading for the way out .
16 Her family history is equally dramatic and could almost have come straight out of the pages of a Barbara Cartland novel .
17 George made a great sacrifice by killing Lennie as the people chasing him were very angry and could easily have killed George through their anger .
18 Doubtless progress would have been slower and might even have stalled entirely without the stark reminder of the implications of nuclear war provided by the Cuban missile crisis .
19 This was a technique which had evolved during the 1930s and would hardly have been practical either for Craddock at St Mary 's in 1929 or , perhaps , even for Raistrick in 1931 .
20 She knew that he had two grown-up daughters of his own and would scarcely have approved of aiding and abetting or even allowing a girl of Liza 's age to be left in any compromising situation with a young married man .
21 Those who wish to apply for admission to these degrees should possess at least an upper second class honours degree or its equivalent and may well have a Masters ' degree .
22 Considering that Ubogu had started the game with a wide bandage protecting his ears the injury was surprising and could only have been caused by heavy treatment from something metallic .
23 Martin Cruddace , solicitor for publishers MGN Limited , said the allegations were entirely unfounded and should never have been published .
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