Example sentences of "[adj] of time [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 With the reduction in cost of computer memory it is now possible to convert speech into digital information which is then compressed many hundreds of times and stored in a ROM .
2 St Paul 's is only a short walk from Fleet Street but it is uphill and after her diversion to the canteen Rain was short of time and forced to hurry .
3 This is expensive of time and requires back-up from and good communication with other specialist services , eg the geriatric , psychiatric and primary care services .
4 He 's an ungrateful bastard at the best of times but biting the hand that feeds you while it 's feeding you is a bit out of order .
5 Finally , we have hardly mentioned many conventional accompanimental ideas which have been used thousands of times and have been invaluable in their time .
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