Example sentences of "[adj] of [noun] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Eighteen months later , Thomas is making a good recovery , though he can not be diagnosed as being clear of leukaemia for another three years .
2 Thereafter Hooley steered clear of companies for some time , concentrating on land deals .
3 If I were you , sir , I 'd keep clear of Washington for some little time , by which I mean the rest of your life . ’
4 Since that day of Dirac 's discovery the dual nature of light as wave and particle has been free of paradox for those in the know .
5 Julia had been free of pain for many months , but still she had grown weaker .
6 If P and Q are processes , we will write unc ( Q is more deterministic than P ) if the semantic value of P is less than that of Q for all environments with unbounded sets of free locations and channels , and states where unused locations are mapped to error .
7 These figures represent a reduction in staffing levels since 1979 of 4% for all employees , 6% for those in education ( CIPFA , 1989 ) .
8 We have played in this country for both Lancashire and Surrey county cricket clubs and have bowled hundreds of overs for both counties .
9 But again , and in more than one sense , we see too much of Bloom for that to be the whole explanation .
10 THE MEAN pressure at , for example , Aberdeen and Glasgow in February 1993 was some 22 millibars higher than the previous month 's values , resulting in docile weather for much of Scotland for most of the month , in stark contrast to January 's storms .
11 On April 3 , 1915 , Stoddart shot himself through the head — the saddest of ends for such a famous cricketer who had brought much brilliance to the game .
12 Unfortunately , they are sometimes too short of money for this to be possible .
13 Geac Computer Corp , Aprkham , Ontario has made another acquisition , picking up Computer Library Services International ( Australia ) Pty Ltd of Melbourne for some $800,000 .
14 Young Ben Titford was born and raised in smelly , noisy Pig Street — a lively enough corner of the world , perhaps , but not the healthiest of places for all that .
15 I think the night was full of dreams for all sorts of people .
16 ‘ The youngsters who visited your trailer were full of enthusiasm for all they had seen and done .
17 The marketing man on the other hand is full of enthusiasm for this latest onslaught on the market and most certainly does not think his new " baby " is at all routine .
18 It may be full of happiness for those who are fortunate to have the right conditions at play in their lives , but there is no doubt how stretching it can be to live in close proximity to your relations .
19 Bathsheba 's young heart was full of pity for this sensitive man who had spoken so simply and honestly .
20 ‘ He was a soldier , you know , ’ she had said , podding peas so rapidly that Sally-Anne was full of awe for such expertise , pea-podding being difficult , she had discovered .
21 They were delighted and impressed by the Medau demonstration , which inspired a visit to the Medau Summer School held at Cromer from which they returned full of praise for those bodies in blue tunics !
22 erm We 've had the two concept meetings for on track and great way too and basically I 'm going to do copy by tomorrow and then next week we can look at them , look at the copy , for both on track and and the stock dates that I 've got are the twenty first of August for both of them .
23 Relations with the United Kingdom were strained during 1989 over the question of the influx of Kurdish political refugees into the UK and the imposition by the UK government of the requirement from June 23 of visas for all Turkish nationals entering the UK .
24 Consequently James would be directing The Best of Friends for half the day and Re:Joyce for the other .
25 The Prince and Princess 's grandmothers have been the best of friends for most of their lives .
26 Not the best of sons for any mother .
27 At the Manor Ground they 'll remember ; remember the 3rd of November for some time .
28 Well , to hell with you , sweetheart , she railed , and , her pride once more up in arms , a certainty in her head that she had seen the last of Ven for that night , she rocketed from her bed , took a shower , and got dressed .
29 No tickets have ever been issued in the Railway 's eight-years-long official existence but Doug and the three compatriots that run the service shake a bucket at passengers for donations , and , throughout the 1980's , have raised thousands of pounds for this most worthy of causes .
30 Yeah , they had them come and fit their kitchen and they really did pay thousands of pounds for it , and erm , there was a chip erm , one of the units on the top and they , they just fitted it like it , and my , their dad called them back and said , look you know , I 'm paying thousands of pounds for this .
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