Example sentences of "[adj] of [adj] in the " in BNC.

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1 We 've never had half of that in the past .
2 But more than half of those in the 18–35 age group felt this , too .
3 So Japanese wage costs per unit of output were less than half of those in the United States , and below European levels .
4 More than half of those in the survey continued to say they saved all or most of their money with holidays the most popular target for saving .
5 In the walk , the back movements are more visible ; in the pace ( simultaneous advance of the hind and front limbs on one side ) , they are more pronounced and strongest of all in the gallop , when the back is arched like a spring and throws the body forward .
6 Some of those in the Palestine Conciliation Commission ( PCC ) did recognize , like Mark Ethridge , the United States member , that ‘ the developing impasse over the refugees was lethal to any possibility of peace in the Middle East . ’
7 In fact , the former motifs ( from Cirencester ) bear a greater resemblance to some of those in the mosaic of room XII , Tockington Park ( pI .
8 What , some of those in the factory asked Mr Lilley , was the government doing to make sure CSE 's parent company Trafalgar House will win the contract ?
9 Andrew and Waddy grasp on to some of these in the ending lick , which is actually a standard blues ending which can be adapted to many tunes , particularly those of the 12-bar variety .
10 All amphibians have mucous glands in their skin which produce a slime that helps to keep it moist and some of these in the firebelly 's skin produce a bitter-tasting poison .
11 Keep some of these in the house Dan take them relief .
12 We have set out some of this in the previous chapter ; here we are concerned with what methodologies are available within the overall heading of ‘ signing in school ’ .
13 yes , I mean they do do some of this in the big catalogue I had a look
14 Come to that I mean I can put some of this in the car and dump , just take it over to the tip
15 Whatever the prototypes , such variations as Byrd 's on ‘ The Carman 's Whistle ’ , ‘ Sellenger 's Round ’ , ‘ The Woods so wild ’ , Farnaby 's on ‘ Woodycock ’ and ‘ Up tails all ’ , to mention only a few of those in the Fitzwilliam Book , are masterpieces .
16 Whereas none of 105 subjects in the second decade of life were HEV seropositive , 17 ( 3.7% ) of 464 and 28 ( 9.1% ) of 308 of those in the third and fourth decades of life , respectively , had anti-HEV ( p < 0.001 ) .
17 Whereas none of 105 persons in the second decade of life was HEV seropositive , 17 ( 3.7% ) of 464 and 28 ( 9.1% ) of 308 of those in the third and fourth decades of life , respectively , had anti-HEV ( p < 0.001 ) .
18 The Department of the Environment has calculated that , by the year 2001 , two million extra houses will have to be built , 570,000 of those in the southeast , which has had to fit in half the population growth of England and Wales .
19 Finally , the rise of the new Labour party helped to ensure that the House of Commons from 1906 onwards had an increasing proportion of members whose interests lay primarily or exclusively in domestic issues and who knew little of those in the outside world .
20 Nowhere can economic autonomy be separated from political autonomy , and least of all in the Soviet Baltic states , where separatism stalks every debate .
21 Ludens did not believe in any personal God , least of all in the unattractive authoritarian figure of Jehovah .
22 It is only through the most tinted of retrospective spectacles that the 1960s can appear as a golden age , and least of all in the deprived areas to which the Report correctly gave so much attention :
23 It is more likely that the elements of secrecy and self-deception involved in my behaviour were already so strong that what I was actually doing could n't be described in words at all , least of all in the incriminating written word .
24 The PNP coordinator idea , whatever its problems and imperfections in practice , represents a vision of professional collaboration , development and decision making which schools can ill afford to abandon , least of all in the era of the National Curriculum .
25 The PNP coordinator idea , whatever its problems and imperfections in practice , represents a vision of professional collaboration , development and decision-making which primary schools can ill-afford to abandon , least of all in the era of the National Curriculum .
26 But it is equally obvious that the working class in the advanced capitalist societies has not been , for the most part , revolutionary in its outlook and action ; least of all in the US .
27 It was not the case that he neglected domestic issues — least of all in the period 1963 – 65 — but rather that he saw them within the larger framework of France 's relations with the world .
28 If the picture is representative of that in the whole of Britain the reported mortality from asthma may be much too high .
29 Each of those in the competition is given a rolled newspaper .
30 Teams of under-11 boys and girls , five of each on the pitch in a 10-strong team and eight of each in the squads of 16 , will play a series of games starting at 1pm on Saturday and 10am on Sunday .
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