Example sentences of "[adj] of [v-ing] [coord] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Commentators are fond of discovering and praising a guidebook clarity in the novel .
2 Dr Courtney was also found guilty of drugging and raping a woman who went to him for advice about work , and indecently assaulting a German student and a 17-year-old when they went to his surgery for part-time jobs .
3 In 1948 he was found guilty of breaking and entering .
4 William Tidbury : Not guilty of the murder of Inspector Drewitt or PC Shorter , but guilty of aiding and abetting others in both cases .
5 At Carlisle Crown Court an arms dealer Stephen Shepkey has been jailed for life after being found guilty of aiding and abetting the murder of an accountant , David Wilson .
6 Leakey said ‘ there is no question that companies are guilty of promoting and exporting these [ dangerous ] chemicals into developing countries .
7 A jury at the High Court in Glasgow had found George Harris , 21 , guilty of stabbing and attempting to murder John Brown , 30 .
8 But Michael Quigg was sentenced to eight years in jail after being found guilty of stabbing and attempting to murder Angus McMaster in Paisley on May 16 last year , and carrying a knife .
9 JOHAN TUMBA , the Swedish professional found guilty of cheating and banned for 10 years in January , had the sentence reduced to three years on appeal yesterday .
10 Employers are sometimes guilty of blurring or confusing the two .
11 Karelius coped by employing a technique he had first developed at university and perfected in the army : that of chewing and swallowing whilst managing to divorce his mind completely from the organs of taste .
12 With an in-house database , the cost to the organization can be assessed as capital and ongoing , a major component being that of creating and maintaining the database .
13 In Italy , as elsewhere , the modern industrial strategy has been that of fragmenting and dispersing labour .
14 Up to this time , the Trinity Association which was called ‘ The Corporation of the Shipmasters of the Trinity House of Leith ’ had been a charitable institution but in 1797 it developed those functions with which it was to become chiefly associated , that of examining and licensing Pilots .
15 One of these is that of formulating and constituting new forms of relation appropriate to this expanding reproduction .
16 Parents in this dilemma might think carefully about being more discriminating with their words of approval and with their reflex action to requests — that of giving and giving and giving .
17 Ianthe always hurried past the vet 's house , fearful of seeing or hearing something dreadful .
18 Sick and tired of stopping and starting , of going up banks only to go down them again , of being whacked in the face by the branches of trees that the dogs ran under , and of not knowing where we were going or why .
19 I see no solution for Scotland short of seeking and gaining the status of a member state within the European Community .
20 Soon Berlin will become overpopulated by images , like New York and Paris , and its images will have lost their powers , save those of reflecting and recalling one another . "
21 So family life was always full , full of coming and going , full of laughter , full of activity .
22 As he said in The Favourite Game : ‘ Seven to 11 is a huge chunk of life , full of dulling and forgetting , ’ though perhaps some of the ‘ forgetting ’ was deliberate .
23 It had all gone — the thin veneer of self-confidence , the determination that she had been so proud of acquiring and nurturing since that first audition in Vienna .
24 This posits that the company or any group of individuals acting together for a common purpose creates a living organism , or a real person , capable of willing and acting through the people who are its organs just as a natural person wills and acts through their brain , mouth and hands .
25 Ideal notes take on the character of architecture — that is , they comprise a well-defined structure ; they are capable of supporting and containing the burden to be later placed on them ; and they are designed to last .
26 Even former dissidents jailed under Mr Shevardnadze 's rule in the early 1980s recognise that his public stature makes him uniquely capable of uniting and stabilising Georgian society .
27 Male deer and some antelopes are also capable of collecting and controlling sizable numbers of females in the breeding season , but whenever the harem becomes too massive the harem-masters lose control and small splinter-groups of females are stolen by less dominant males in the vicinity .
28 As the Chairman , Pat Retief in his Annual Chairman 's Review says , ‘ we must continue to be a profitable company if we are to be a good employer in the fullest sense , capable of maintaining and enhancing our portfolio of assets and maximising the development of the Group 's human resources .
29 The defendants argued that the council 's action for libel against them , as set out in the statement of claim , is not capable of promoting or protecting the interests of the inhabitants of Derbyshire .
30 The best way to prevent such damage occurring is to float a piece of wood or a child 's rubber ball on the water , so that the ice exerts pressure against an object capable of expanding and contracting .
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