Example sentences of "[adj] of [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As he made his way back to the van , the thought did occur to him that it might be prudent to stay clear of the likes of Terry Littlejohn .
2 Setting a blistering pace of 91pts on day one , on day two it was 92pts easing off slightly on Sunday it was for them a modest 89pts to give them a grand total of 272pts , 16pts clear of the teams in second and third places on 256pts they were Karl O'Donnell ( Newlands ) , C Burke , V Burke , C McKeone .
3 The body lay diagonally across the path , as he had said , not quite flat on its face and breast , rather on the right shoulder , but with the right arm flung clear behind , and the left groping wide beside him , clear of the folds of the coarse hooded cloak he wore .
4 The survey follows last week 's publication by CLEAR of the results of a national survey of lead in the dust of school playgrounds and the pavement outside .
5 The men march with their warders and when they are clear of the confines of the fences for those few steps they are hemmed in by the soldiers and the dogs .
6 The future is a plate of steel floor covering that creaks and whistles as it is dragged clear of the supports to which it was bolted down thirty years before .
7 This is not a tenable interpretation of rule 12.12 of the Rules of 1986 , given the clear language of paragraph ( 1 ) of the rule and given also that by their nature proceedings under the Insolvency Act 1986 can not be expected to be addressed by Ord. 11 , r. 1 .
8 Raleigh , sung by a bass , is shown as dignified , even pompous , slightly resentful of the aspirations of younger courtiers such as Mountjoy and the Earl of Essex .
9 Senior officers were generally resentful of the attempts of politicians to interfere in military affairs and in the organization of the Empire , which was almost a military fiefdom .
10 Many of the largest TNCs have assets and annual sales far in excess of the GNP of about half of the countries of the world .
11 About half of the infants in each group were not clinically dehydrated on presentation to hospital ( 102 ( 47% ) in group A and 99 ( 53% ) in group B ) , 102 ( 47% ) in group A and 75 ( 40% ) in group B were mildly dehydrated ( by up to 5% ) , 10 ( 5% ) in group A and 11 ( 6% ) in group B were moderately dehydrated ( 5–10% ) , and only one child in group A and two in group B were dehydrated by 10% or more .
12 For about half of the innovations in the sample , patents delayed imitation by less than a few months .
13 Lee Winters , manageress of the Corbrige Fund , is considering engaging in index arbitrage , but has discovered that she will initially receive only half of the proceeds from short selling shares , that is , f = 0.5 .
14 Over half of the youngsters in residential care in Flanders ( 56 per cent ) are aged between 13 and 18 years .
15 Redbridge and Waltham Forest had accepted that there would be no major increase in revenue to fund the development of new services before closure and would plan on the basis that half of the sites of two hospitals could be sold to finance the new services .
16 The fact that half of the members of the Bundestag are selected from party lists , rather than being elected , only reinforces the power of the parties , weakens accountability and is open to the usual favouritist pressures .
17 The regulation treats parent companies as those having control over another company , such as where a company owns more than half of the share capital , or has the power to appoint more than half of the members of the board .
18 One spin-off is that many feminist psychologists still identify themselves as lesbians ; half of the members of the Association of Women in Psychology , for example , are lesbians ( Basow 1986 ) .
19 It is a stance which dismisses the needs of over half of the members of the community and sanctions major crimes such as rape , assault , actual or grievous bodily harm and murder .
20 The system involved workers electing half of the members of supervisory boards , with the shareholders electing the rest and appointing a ‘ neutral ’ chair .
21 More than half of the commands in D-11 were the same as those in RPL-11 .
22 About half of the instances in other jurists seem to be the work of the compilers .
23 Sidacai had already devoured half of the pastries on the plate .
24 Half of the women of the court were here — which fact , Alexei thought , should not have surprised him .
25 Those at the bottom rarely moved up , and nearly half of the sons of the upper-middle class stayed there .
26 As a result , the A and B lists provide just over half of the records on daytime Radio 1 .
27 oh in it sad eh ? , reading in the paper the other day about that thing the , the list of top ten names , I mean half of the ones on there are pathetic
28 Even though the actions in the present experiment were specifically designed to eliminate any overt suggestion of role differentiation , singulars still accounted for nearly half of the continuations under the best condition for plurals ( same description type , use of and ) .
29 Half of the evacuees in Little Weirwold and the surrounding area had already left .
30 Only a few per cent of the thyroid tumours would be fatal , whereas perhaps half of the cancers from caesium-137 would be fatal .
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