Example sentences of "[adj] part [prep] [noun prp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 But even in this tranquil part of England many of the ‘ open ’ villages had a variety of local crafts , distributive trades and small industries , whose origins go back well into the eighteenth century .
2 The Arab armies that invaded the new Israel were driven out , together with between 500,000 and 700,000 Arab Palestinians whose homes had been in that part of Palestine that was now Israel or in those areas of Arab Palestine that the Israelis captured .
3 Guy Fawkes Night will come a week early in that part of Skipton this weekend when the steam railway ignite a big bonfire and firework display .
4 ‘ I 'd prefer a proper fire , of course , but we made them illegal in this part of London some years ago . ’
5 Beyond the park , in some parts of England such as East Anglia , the bulldozer rams at the old hedges , blots them out to make fields big and vacant enough for the machines of the new ranch-farming and the business-men farmers of five to ten thousand acres .
6 Leys are not found in all parts of Britain any more than are the remains of other prehistoric features .
7 But for many parts of Orkney this new service would be years away in reaching them and so the familiar thump thump thump of that diesel statomatic generator filled the air .
8 On the battlefield , Serbs operating out of a ‘ UN-protected ’ zone in one of the Serb-held parts of Croatia this week opened a new front by attacking the solidly Muslim area around Bihac , in Bosnia .
9 But it may be the one part of Daimler that is able to do a deal with some of the Mitsubishi companies , which are eager for a way into trading , finance and other service businesses in Europe .
10 In other parts of Britain such ideas were more difficult to put across except to relatively small minorities or in the predominantly proletarian areas of central Scotland where miners , engineers and shipbuilders also constituted the majority of wage earners .
11 Mr. Harris : Given the common problems faced by the tourist industry in Wales and the more remote parts of England such as Cornwall , will my right Hon. Friend tell me why on earth section 4 grants under the Development of Tourism Act 1969 are being suspended in England whereas , as he says , they are being tripled in Wales ?
12 I bear the same arms now but the middle finger of the mailed fist is no longer extended since the Queen 's herald , Rouge-Croix , discovered that in certain parts of France such a gesture could be taken as offensive or obscene .
13 In most parts of Europe these courts were waning .
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