Example sentences of "[adj] because he [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Yes but he wrote a book called this because he thought that er the conservatives were losing .
2 And he wanted to do this because he thought that if it were possible , if we could start just from our own sense experiences , then a great simplification would have been achieved .
3 King is currently on holiday but Mr Corfe added : ‘ John will be delighted when he hears about this because he feels that getting into the Pontins League is , in the long-term , almost as important as getting into the Premier League . ’
4 The person beset by fears and anxieties who nevertheless manages to present a confident exterior will often feel self-contempt because he feels that he is living a lie and that one day someone will catch him out .
5 He , the laibon , was not so sad because he believed that she had caused many upsets .
6 But I do n't see him that much because he go and play sports on the
7 But de Gaulle held firm because he knew that time was working in his favour .
8 Schuman had not wished to introduce the measure in the French Parliament after the treaty was signed in 1952 because he feared that he could not guarantee its success .
9 I think that Paul could feel joyful because he felt that his life was nearing its end at the time that he wrote .
10 Although time seems always to have been important for Petrarch , he tended to value it even more as he got older because he realized that , as with other things , it becomes more precious as it becomes less plentiful .
11 For I could tell that he was a little rusty , and I wondered if sometimes this affable and agreeable companion was worried because he knew that he was not keeping up with the strides that modern medicine was taking .
12 But an FA spokesman said : ‘ Graham is not worried because he feels that if the game was being played at Wembley today , they would all be fit enough to be available for selection . ’
13 He considered it special because he recalled that ‘ the first serious look at the involvement of women in the media in Africa was initiated by WACC . ’
14 In the evenings they read together , keeping silent because he believed that silence was more real than chatter , and at half past nine they went to bed .
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