Example sentences of "[adj] because i have [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I mean interesting because I 've never actually done the job that you 're doing .
2 I felt aggrieved at this because I had not worked with the sister during my placement , and could not imagine how she could possibly assess my work and capability .
3 It 's been three days now I 'm not sure though I could be wrong because I have n't slept very well I have nightmares of a man and they think it 's me but it is n't , is it ?
4 In fact , in some ways it 's a lot easier because I 've only got myself to think of these days .
5 At the rime his Jewish appearance did not strike me as peculiar because I had not yet got used to the idea of people thinking racially , but I learnt later that he was half Jewish and that he did this job to keep his Jewish wife out of trouble .
6 That was a very interesting academic lecture , but it was absolutely meaningless because I have already said that if there was a market for thin slab production we would welcome that .
7 ‘ I was really nervous because I 'd never kissed anybody and she was really nice .
8 Er I should say that I 'm only saying this because it 's written in front of me , some churches apparently in York are putting on alternative festivities er I do n't think they 're trying very hard because I have n't heard of any and I certainly do n't move around the place , hear of any .
9 I can , as yet , rate only the cheaper of these because I have yet to summon up the chutzpah to ask Tesco to send me all their other examples to sample .
10 She realised that more was called for and went on : ‘ I 'm curious because I 've never had a chance to look round here before . ’
11 erm I 'm not going to keep you very long because I 've nearly finished talking so erm when I 've finished perhaps you would like to bring some of your things up and put them on the table and we can all have a look at them .
12 It 's stupid because I 've never really ventured Brittany , so
13 I owe you a pound , yeah , I ca n't give it to you dear because I 've still got exactly a ten pound note dear and I 'm waiting for the pools lady dear
14 Very good , very , very good , no I think as I say the only thing I said to Mr I told him that I 'm very upset because I 've always been treated ever so fair by him I mean they 've really been good to us , you ca n't say they 're not , I mean no other Council I do n't think is as good as Harlow Council , well I say that because I know by my friends who live away they 're not er , they do n't get half the benefits that they get here , I mean we are looked after are n't we ?
15 She was upset because I had not been allowed to rest on the drive .
16 I was pissed off at them leaving me like that because I had hardly any other friends in Leeds .
17 He said : ’ I reserve my position on that because I have not only got to find money for the welfare changes .
18 I 'm not going to explain all that because I have n't got samples of it here .
19 I 'm rather reluctant to do that because I have absolutely no basis for knowing how long negotiations of this sort are likely to take , erm and if I say well er that such negotiations must be completed by
20 It 's not that she 's said , ‘ No , you must n't wear make-up ’ , but all my friends do , and sometimes I feel strange because I have n't got any .
21 Erm I once , talking to somebody about this and er he said erm , well he said I think I must be an intuitive because I 've never let the facts get in the way of a good idea .
22 Where is Q P9 ? papers rustling This one I think we should give a little thought , because this is the one I think where oh yes this is going to get complicated because I have now been given a quiff and a few suggestion forms about it
23 I 'm hungry because I have n't had lunch .
24 I 've supplied dope since I was fifteen because I 've never had any money .
25 My shadow lapped the outside steps because the doors were open letting out the heat , wide open because I had n't bothered to bolt them , and the side door was open too , creating a through-draught that made the fire smoke and the dogs restless .
26 I 'm worried because I 've hardly done anything this term .
27 which is quite nice because I 've never taught that
28 No that 's not correct because I 've also already called up to P C into that master bedroom when I 've left or as I was about to handcuff er the man .
29 It 's very frustrating because I 've never never known a client who knew what his losses were .
30 I could have run away , but I had no money and , even if I had been able to borrow it , I should still have been too frightened because I had nowhere to run to .
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