Example sentences of "[adj] thing [is] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The unusual thing is that at 50 she is still stunning , wrinkles or no .
2 The remarkable thing is that with such thin material and from such a long way back , he came through so quickly .
3 ‘ The most striking thing is that despite all the talk there is still not much clothing around yet .
4 ‘ The strange thing is that outside the camp , many of the torturers led normal lives , ’ Dr Haritos-Fatouros says .
5 The tragic thing is that in reacting against such unhelpful literalism too many of us assume that the war is not real .
6 The other thing is that of course , going back to the competition with price , these holidays were n't that expensive .
7 Erm , the other thing is that in the Nuffield erm it sometimes er er in the , in the book er list , and sometimes it 's in the photocopy books , so you have to check both and if it 's a book that 's been erm not come into the library over the last fourteen months you 've er , you also need to check the erm Von Ryan catalogue .
8 We have come up against some prejudice in the dressage , but the nice thing is that at the end of the test sheets you often see the same comment from the judge — ‘ What a super pony ! ’ . ’
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