Example sentences of "[adj] could [adv] [vb infin] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 A number of those involved were artisans from the Kentish towns , some of whom , particularly those connected with the cloth trade , may have had a special grievance , as a sharp decline in cloth exports after 1448 could well have caused local unemployment ( 66 , pp.96–7 ) .
2 If , as intimated earlier , the proportion of asymptomatic recurrences was greater in the active treatment group , this could also lead to bias , and underestimation of the frequency of cisapride recurrences relative to placebo .
3 Had the Conservatives lost another general election they might have lost credibility as a potential party of government , and this could well have damaged their role as the integrating force of the political right .
4 This could well have caused ‘ monkey ’ to indicate any lot of five and , by extension , multiples of five such as 500 .
5 There may be a gain in the number of children at the school but this could well have happened through factors such as population change or a new housing development that are totally unconnected to the work on raising the school 's visibility and image .
6 As , chief executive of Kyle and Lochalsh Enterprise which supported the setting -up of Canan , said : ‘ In areas where the population is ageing , this could well help to keep the younger people there . ’
7 This could n't have happened at a worse time .
8 There was a slight seasonal effect of gradually declining response to models , but this could not have biased the results because the response to crest accentuation went in the opposite direction , increasing significantly between early ( small crests ) presentations and the first accentuated crest presentations .
9 This could not have come at a worse time , with the prospect in view of becoming an ‘ officer 's lady ’ .
10 It seems probable that all of this could not have come about had not the superego emerged as a continuation of a trend of evolutionary development which had long since been embarked upon by the ego proper .
11 Counsel for Dunnes , which pleaded guilty to the charge , said this could not have occurred in the store at Kilkeel .
12 The associations professed political neutrality and because of this could not become involved directly in local elections ; the Alliance , on the other hand , could — indeed this was the principal rationale for its existence — but even then claimed the same neutrality , helping to cloak manifest sectionalism .
13 This could either involve removing it altogether and blocking up the space with bricks and mortar , or simply locking it and putting furniture against it on both sides .
14 It seemed that this could only have happened by God 's grace and with his approval .
15 In a project , this could perhaps involve examining texts such as the different accounts of the events leading up to the Norman Conquest by Anglo-Saxon and Norman contemporary writers .
16 For the CEGB , trying to sell nuclear reliability to an increasingly sceptical local population , this could hardly have come at a worse time .
17 This could then go to buy you a bigger pension , or a death benefit , or an earlier retirement date .
18 She did not suppose there would ever be another such moment to hope for , yet few could ever have had so much .
19 Even in northern England the urban unemployed could easily turn to work on nearby farms in the summer : the striking weavers of Padiham ( Lancashire ) in 1859 supported themselves by hay-making .
20 Yet the marked expansion in the French kingdom 's territorial size between 1204 and 1259 could not fail to have an impact upon such claims to autonomy and independence .
21 The poorest could least afford to travel from homes in the suburbs to work in city centres .
22 And that could easily have panicked her . ’
23 She did have a thousand and one things to do , though there was n't a single one of them that could n't have waited .
24 That could n't have done him any good . ’
25 That could n't have happened , could it ? ’
26 That could not lie said of ‘ value ’ which was a matter of opinion and not fact .
27 That could only have happened if the Left did not know what was going on , and it could only have not known what was going on if it was being tricked by one of its own .
28 However , some theories of visual word-recognition propose that there are horizontal excitatory links at the letter detection level , since these could potentially serve to speed the identification of words .
29 In the past they 've had their moments ( the irritating ‘ I Useta Lover ’ ) but these could never combine to create an hour or so of recorded glory .
30 Further , many could not afford to undertake such pomp as they had neither the capital , credit facilities , stock , staff nor expertise ; some simply did not have the inclination to become involved .
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