Example sentences of "[adj] when you 've [verb] " in BNC.

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2 Oh sorry have I okeydoke , Mary Ann can I borrow this when you 've finished ?
3 You know you always talk too much when you 've got over a bad turn . ’
4 And we went up there , oh dear , driving up there you 're going up on this little tiny when you 've got a big car .
5 Yeah , I 'm sure a walking bank be glad when you 've got a job , you 'll be earning your own money you can buy your own things .
6 ‘ In general , I think it 's slightly unfair when you 've got someone who 's considered a virtuoso player such as Mark King — he 's obviously very talented , but his basses are so incredibly easy to play that it seems a bit of a cheat to me .
7 You do n't actually have to know there 's a caravan , it 's quite obvious when you 've had one move it away .
8 and you 're at A , let's say , let's say , North is that way , okay , and you you set this up and you have a look , you say , where 's that lighthouse , oh it 's on a bearing of forty five degrees , and a lot later when you 've sailed sort of past the lighthouse , or the lighthouse is behind you , you take a bearing , and you still go around clockwise ,
9 It 's a bit late when you 've bought it though !
10 ( You 'll feel better when you 've eaten . )
11 You 'll feel better when you 've had something to eat . ’
12 ‘ You 'll feel better when you 've had something to eat , ’ he told her callously .
13 If you ever try to do a ha a demonstration for anybody erm or a group of people involving a sort of manual skill , you find that it goes to pieces if it 's not a very well rehearsed skill , whereas you find you can actually get very your performance is a lot better when you 've got an audience if you know the skill very well .
14 It wo n't look any better when you 've finished .
15 They 're not hard once you understand what you 're doing how you get it because you 're sharing out but they 're probably the most awkward when you 've got mixed whole numbers counting numbers and fractions all in together .
16 It 's useful when you 've got to contact lots of staff or get information to many people at the same time and allows you to put detailed information down .
17 ‘ Well , I 'll tell you what , the guitar 's a little bit more shallow when you 've got to sing and play some of this shit , and the new album 's got a lot of riffs , but I 'll rise to the occasion .
18 It is embarrassing when you 've got a spare tyre that keeps protruding between the bottom of your bra and the top of your roll-ons as if you were a snakecharmer with your pet python coiled round your midriff .
19 ‘ Breathtaking ’ is an overworked brochure cliche , but you 'll find it very apt when you 've experienced the kind of scenery we 're talking about .
20 And beer advertising has left the nation with the immortal phrase , ‘ It 's what your right arm 's for ’ , which often comes in handy when you 've gone too long without a laugh .
21 It 's not half so mysterious when you 've got a horde of parents dragging screaming kids around it .
22 Mind , do n't take it too far when you 've got when you go in er , an eighteen year old married an eighty one year old now that is going too far !
23 They burn them first when you 've finished .
24 There are times when you can feel successful when you 've done virtually nothing — I remember when I became a radio actor , and I was pushing my motor bike , which had run out of petrol , up the main street in Cardiff , and I felt that I was a great star , and was very pleased with myself .
25 Four or five when you 've left school ?
26 This is daft when you 've lost your job through no fault of your own ; when it really happened because your company had to contract , were firing people on the ‘ last in , first out ’ basis and you had n't been there long .
27 It gets worse when you 've got a satellite television and it 's on up to , about five times a week !
28 And it 's worse when you 've got children to cope with as well .
29 it 's worse when you 've got
30 Mountain biking is wonderful — you 're on top of the world while you 're pedalling and even higher when you 've finished .
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