Example sentences of "[adj] take place [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 This takes place on a planet 's surface using solid 3D graphics .
2 This takes place at a time prearranged to be mutually convenient .
3 On average , a body is injected with approximately 12–16 pints of the one and a half per cent or two per cent solution and this takes place over a time period of approximately one to two hours .
4 But all this takes place within a context of direction .
5 King Edward visited several times when shooting parties and other entertaining took place on a lavish scale .
6 This took place against a backdrop of reports of executions of detainees , mass expulsions through force and intimidation , and other human rights violations , as armed groups attempted to establish facts on the ground which might become the basis for any future international negotiations over territory .
7 Some settlement is likely to take place over a period after the trench has been filled , but this can be filled in at a later stage .
8 These varying conditions , all taking place over a comparatively short time , have had spectacular effects on the evolution of the mammals of South-East Asia .
9 My contention is that the events of October 1962 took place in a very specific historical context in terms of the Soviet appraisal of global power relations .
10 They all take place in a huge modernist building on the sea front of the ultimate business watering hole , Cannes .
11 Would that take place in a church then or in the home ?
12 ‘ The celebrations which took place to mark the centenary of the Diocese in 1978 took place in a time of great change .
13 But even so , there was not what could be described as an irrevocable Protestant march towards Reformation ; the new activity of 1558 took place in a Scotland which was still largely Catholic .
14 The first such inspection was due to take place at a civilian chemical enterprise in St Petersburg , which Western military experts suspected was used as a cover for illicit military work .
15 The event , optimistically , is ‘ due to take place on a warm summer 's evening in June ’ ( the 10th ) .
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