Example sentences of "[adj] know [that] [pron] be " in BNC.

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1 Almost identical , if you had not been brought up by Victorine to know that one was good and the other bad : both had wide shop windows displaying shelves of apple tarts , turnovers , puffs ; striped awnings above ; tiled steps .
2 I am sure you will be interested to know that we are working with a consortium of other organisations , including the National Trust , to develop an alternative , less environmentally damaging scheme for this section , together with a future strategy for the A5 as a whole .
3 BCRS members of all people will understand something of the geography and communications of the area , and will , I am sure , be interested to know that it was to the Stone House that our Secretary was taken after his recent heart attack . )
4 And if , as I 'm certain once you visit here , you find you want to come back again , you may be interested to know that there is a way you can share in this magnificent Highland retreat , time after time .
5 You might be interested to know that there was considerable narrowing of the arteries , which could have produced spells of dizziness . ’
6 She told me that she was relieved to know that there was a reason for it , even if the root cause had occurred so long ago .
7 ‘ But it would n't have taken even that much to know that nobody is transparent — or translucent . ’
8 Many older women probably avoid relationships for similar reasons but , once they get over the inhibitions , it can be very reassuring to know that you are accepted , varicose veins , belly and all .
9 Comparison with another related construction — that containing a subordinate clause — brings the meaning of the infinitive into clearer focus however and shows the reason for the use of to : ( 15a ) I am glad to know that he is safe .
10 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead-free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
11 But we saw enough to be grateful that so much is being done to protect and conserve this rich heritage and , driving on lead free petrol , we felt comfortable knowing that we were doing our bit .
12 ‘ Durham County Council and Labour know that it is the best way for children to start their educational life . ’
13 ‘ Durham County Council and Labour know that it is the best way for children to start their educational life , ’ he said .
14 He is a lovely man and it 's good to know that he is unlikely to end up punch-drunk or fighting in circus booths , as many top boxers have in the past .
15 It is good to know that he was able to share his tears with the hospital chaplain .
16 It is good to know that he was thought so highly of and that we have so many friends .
17 It is good to know that there is now a growing number of organisations working on behalf of carers to bring their problems to the attention of the public and the government .
18 One 42-year-old market trader who did not want to be named , said : ‘ It is good to know that there is someone who is doing something about the problem . ’
19 North Yorkshire offers excellent possibilities for challenging walking but it 's also good to know that there 's plenty to do close at hand when the weather turns moorland expeditions into exercises in masochism .
20 And it 's really good to know that there are so many applications in the , in the real world , medical and physical and , and otherwise .
21 It is embarrassing to know that one is a god of a world that only exists because every improbability curve must have its far end ; especially when one can peer into other dimensions at worlds whose Creators had more mechanical aptitude than imagination .
22 It might be helpful to know that it is planned that low flying by jets will decline by about 30 per cent .
23 It may be very useful to know that there is a first-class industrial photographer in Tyneside or that such and such a photographer near the Exeter depot should not be used again .
24 We all know that we are under the microscope after various events in the past , but I think we can control ourselves ’ .
25 ‘ But deep down we all know that we are faced today not with realities and images .
26 Before such people can act together , a kind of telepathic feeling has to flow through them and ripen to the point when they all know that they are ready to begin .
27 Dogs , like men , can look very different but when it comes to sex they all know that they are members of one species and they are not culturally inhibited from taking appropriate action .
28 If I was a cynical person , which you all know that I am not , I would have said it was the Government 's intention to help lawyers make more money out of the Act .
29 Erm , Local Government and Local Council work is often seen as being very drab and indeed we all know that it 's becoming probably less exciting nowadays with the constraints that there are and what Councils still require er in abundance are characters , people who bring a bit of excitement to Council affairs w i at whatever level and I think that one thing that has is character , sadly missing in so many younger politicians I must say .
30 To spend corporate money telling us that ‘ it is n't so ’ when we all know that it is , insults our intelligence as well as endangering our lives .
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